
Shit, he’s gonna die.

  Starring Sean Bean as “Chris” Redfield.

Bebop is mentioned at the top of the article as the show that everyone recommends to newcomers, so I assume it’s the article’s de facto ninth recommendation

Yeah, the lack of Cowboy Bebop makes this list quite suspect. The show has held up and I can usually sell people with the line “Did you like Firefly? Firefly basically stole its entire concept from Cowboy Bebop.”

Glad someone mentioned marlboros 

“He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life,” said Homer Simpson in one of the only true observations the Simpson has made in all its years on the air.

Yeah weird, it is almost like the Remake isn't a 1:1 copy of the original game and everyone has already known that for months now or something. 

I don’t even need to argue your main point, your implication that Weird Al isn’t hilarious invalidates any opinions you have on humor AND music. That dude has been consistently making funny songs for longer than you or I have been alive.

Fallout 76 continues to be mediocre at best, story at... Oh, that’s the whole story. Carry on. 

I cannot believe this.

I have two Xbox One controllers, both cost me $39.99 each catching them on sale. Add in the $10 Rechargeable pack I got off of Amazon and we’re talking about $50 for a controller that I might have to charge once a month, depending on play time.
You don’t have to buy microsoft’s solution. Hell, if you really wanted,

Is Sony guaranteeing their rechargeable battery capacity will NEVER diminish over time? Is the battery easily replaceable, if at all? Will Sony to make replacement batteries? Is there the usual battery rhetoric (damage, fire, castration, etc) about 3rd party accessories (like some unknown brand like Sonee)

Except a columnist is hired to do that. These people on TikTok, are, essentially, volunteers...

I clicked for boobs. I watched the clips for boobs. I did not read a fucking bit of it because words are not boobs. Is this the girl who started “Ok Boomer”? If so, this is not the path I would have taken afterwards, but whatever.

Yeah I’m 29 and now officially have no idea what is going on. I mean, other than the bascis of “people like to watch hot people do stuff”. That will never go out of style.

she needed to put something up on TikTok that day”

Very long article for what boils down to “men on the internet like attractive women”


“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but it seems her rise in popularity may have been attributable to something other than ‘OK Boomer’. YMMV