
To be fair, the leadership in China wasn’t worried more about the stock market than containing the pandemic. 


He represents Twitch. If he behaves in a way that makes them look bad, they have every right to kick him to the curb.

I dunno if he was drunk, but there was at least alcohol present. Drunken gun shenanigans probably isn’t the image Twitch is looking for for their platform.

There are plenty of responsible streamers waiting to take his place.

If having to restart his career is the worst thing that comes of this he should count himself lucky. People get killed by stray bullets all the time, and I’m pretty sure a negligent discharge while drunk could be prosecuted as a felony if anyone cared enough to get the cops involved.

Clearly this moron never learned the single most important rule of firearms - treat every gun as if it is loaded until you personally double / triple check.

Jeff Cooper’s Four Rules:

What a fucking dipshit.

So, you intentionally spend time out on our public roads trying to make things more dangerous for everybody else? 

Why would you want to do this?  Why does it please you to make someone else’s day more difficult?

From the weird Sonic anime movie.

You’ve done it. This is the definitive hater’s guide to Final Fantasy. Drew Magary would be proud. (RIP Deadspin)

I’m always amazed by the binary thought process that seems prevalent today - If you’re “this”, you cannot be “that”.

The switch menu is easily the worse of the 3, and that’s pretty well a universal opinion. However, I don’t think it’s bad or even annoying. The eShop however is pretty trash.

You can sort your games alphabetically, by recently played, by file size, by console (Xbox OG, Xbox 360, Xbox One), by Xbox One X enhanced, and a few more I believe. So I’d say that’s loads better than the Switch. It’s easy to find stuff in the store too.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, wrong as they may be. 

A. The only thing worse than autoplay is autoplay with sound. I know I’m speaking to the choir, but seriously. Fuck autoplay.


$50 is pretty cheap for decent shoes...

Don’t punch the messenger’s stomach, but regular men’s Adidas Advantages are $65, and I can’t imagine the Pokemon license making them any cheaper.