
It’s amazing that you strung together so many words, yet managed to dodge making a point like you’re some kind of word-salad matador.

Non-uniform ballparks are one of the best aspects of the game. The Astros have a hill and a flagpole in fair territory. Boston had a giant fucking wall in left field. Now Toronto has slow grass.

It has always been strange to me that a Canadian team uses synthetic turf when so much of the best grass I’ve ever bought came from Canada.

The Sixers are such losers they’ll even find a way to lose at losing, and will win so as to ultimately lose. Those losers.

Where Amazing Happens!

The whole "publishing her name" thing really makes me question the validity of the second "A" in "AA."

What a coincidence. Magery just relayed a story about some browns running down his kid’s legs.

“yes...we also blame the NYPD.”
-New York Knicks.

It’s the 1600 meters, not the 1600 mee-ters, son.

Yeah, but if he hadn’t done that, no one would have ever heard of... what’s his name again?

Why am I not surprised that Arizona still maintains a seating system based on color.

If he had only kept the bone from popping out at that Perkins restaurant...

Not seen in the photo above, the ball actually left the park. He got winded and decided to stay at first base.

Here’s a game photo of Bemidji’s starting pitcher:

Gotta love John Buccigross's unfiltered "OH MY GOD!!!" call. That's a commentator that truly cares about the game he's calling.

Sorry, but my Nostalgia tells me that this game was already made years ago...

Well, shit. Based on their season so far, $6 million per home run actually sounds like a good deal for the Yankees.

Hopefully they don’t have an interleague game at Wrigley this year, because if he sees hundreds of cups full of pee, he may go catatonic.