
It will also work if your name is Dr. West Friendship.

What an asshole.

Stick to sports Jeff. Why do you need to shove golf down our throat? Can we go back to talking about discrimination?

what the fuck is jim halpert doing here

If Michele is looking for an extra L, I'm sure the Knicks would be willing to part with one of theirs.

The big picture here is that there’s no correct usage for the phrase at all, because if you can control it, THEN IT’S NOT FUCKING DESTINY.

If only she were an elected official and could actually impact some legislation that would fix this problem...

I’ll be interested to see if this sticks.

One of the first images to pop up via an image search for his name:

This is the first Regressing article that I was able to understand all the way through. It's an Opening Day miracle!

makes sense, he certainly knows how to manage his lines.

Dude, the person you responded to was talking about the car-hit-scammers, not poor people in general.

oh give me a fucking break. Its lazy fuckers who dont want to work for shit.

Reminds me of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater when you fights The End.

You’re in a strictly man’s world. In a thing that calls for a lot of “man traits,” if you will, not that they’re better or worse than female traits, it’s just not the right place. It’s the wrong place to put a woman. It’s unfair to the woman.I don’t understand it. I don’t understand why you’d put a woman in that

Gears of War 4 confirmed.

When will (white) people stop being so baffled by normal ass black people?

That’s like 5 months of Tidal. I don’t think so.

If I wanted to see an aging senator trying to hit someone who just wants to dance I’d go to any strip club in D.C.