
You don't hear kosher Jews complaining!!!!

"What's next? Grocery stores putting up signs telling us we have to pay for stuff?"

What a fucking piece of shit. I wish I could put some kind of witty spin on it, but honestly, fuck this guy.

On the other side it's signed "To Tupac."

Considering die Schwarzgelben are my favourite team in the world, this season has set a new record for the earliest point at which I have cursed out my TV.

This is really touching. She'll be shooting significant others through bathroom doors in no time.

"Who is Deliliah?"
"Who is Jeremy?"
"Who is Thomas?"
"Who is Damon?"
"Who is Tracy?"
"Who is Rebekah?"
"Goddammnit, No."
"Who is Marcus?"
"What the fuck..."
"Who is Jeremy?"
"You already guessed that..."
"Who is Robert?"
"Jesus fucking Christ, Antonio, all we need is for you to correctly identify one of

Looks slick, but hollow. A camera-friendly surface with absolutely nothing behind it. Oh wait, that's Dan Patrick.

I guess the set from Win Ben Stein's Money was still available

Watch the guy in yellow the whole time. That's a pretty fucking awesome catch. He deserves a free beer too.

I really hope someone told that other guy to put a fucking shirt on.

I get what you're saying, but I can't take you seriously until you have 2 experts on your side.

Because I watched this with my friends who just happen to be a body language expert and a facial expression expert. I was with you, I thought he just looked normal. However, after careful review, they came to a mutual conclusion that he expressed enough qualities of someone who has an inflated amusement with oneself

You can tell he's trying to still be mad and act like he's not really impressed with himself.


So lots of tongue, got it.

No wonder they call her Miss Texas. She nearly did.

A Stark Industries spokesperson said War Machine would be placed on paid administrative leave pending an internal investigation.

You call him an Idiot, but he was immediately signed by DC United after the game.

Your kinja name makes me laugh way more than it should, every single time.