Unfortunately, you’re correct. It seems that efforts to dissuade Trump from pulling out of Paris (put forth by CEOs, concerned environmentalists, European leaders, and Ivanka) actually entrenched him further in his decision.
Unfortunately, you’re correct. It seems that efforts to dissuade Trump from pulling out of Paris (put forth by CEOs, concerned environmentalists, European leaders, and Ivanka) actually entrenched him further in his decision.
If he didn’t act, the Russians could’ve released this (false) information themselves, and that would call the credibility of the investigation and the entire DoJ into question. By getting out ahead of it, the FBI/DoJ was able to maintain control of the narrative, even though the narrative was only partially true. It…
Bethenny will speak too much in her grating voice, crack a joke that isn’t at all funny, laugh hysterically, act defensive, and incessantly name-drop her Skinnygirl® line.
Ah yes, pussy grabbing. The true Christianity.
The firing of James Comey is the best thing Trump has done for this country, because it set in motion a series of events that will see him either resign or removed from office, with or without Republican intervention.
The walls are closing in on the Trumped-Up Treason Train, and they’re in full-on panic mode.
It’s not being reported in the mainstream media because it can’t yet be independently verified, but all will soon become apparent.
It’s rumored that when Comey sent Congress the October letter advising he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s emails, it was originally intended to be classified. Chaffetz then removed the classified markings and leaked it to the press.
The Germans have always had a way with words.
I’m going to print a couple of these out and mail them to the House of Representatives
I’ve nonrev-ed many a time on passes, so I don’t begrudge United for upholding the dress code. But I still take exception to the way that situation was handled. Once the public got wind of it, instead of explaining the circumstances as you did to me, they instead cited inapplicable legalese from their contract of…
Is everyone who works at United just absurdly incompetent? Didn’t they learn from #LeggingsGate that immediately blaming the customer with rigid corporate doublespeak doesn’t work out well?
I feel for the children, as they’re not responsible for the poor decisions of their parent(s). It’s a shame that they will grow up without a father.
That’s not suspicious at all!
Republicans: “We love federalism and states’ rights!”
We have to give some credit to the American people that they’re somewhat intelligent ...
Sarah Isgur Flores, Sessions’s spokeswoman told the Post, “There was absolutely nothing misleading about his answer.”
It’s funny, you know.
This is why I reject all the people who say things like “liberal elitism is why we have Trump” or “if Democrats don’t start listening to his base, they’ll keep losing elections.”