
I’m convinced that someone will eventually get their hands on his tax returns and the whole thing will go to shit. You know there are bombshells in there. I’m hopeful we’ll see prize-winning journalism over the next four years.

This needs way, way, way more stars.

This is what happens when you have an outsider president who is also an egotistical maniac. Trump doesn’t actually know any qualified people to staff these positions, so he’s reaching around his inner circle: his lawyer, donors, Republican primary contenders, et cetera.

Agreed wholeheartedly, but how do you fix it? Some (not all) Bernie supporters have the same level of cognitive dissonance as Trump supporters. Not only is the party in the wilderness right now, but there’s a second wilderness within the party.

It would be great if both parties could have some sort of meaningful discourse, but we know that’ll never happen with the GOP. The left plays way too nice. Courtesy and maturity are great things to aspire to, but they don’t win elections. Not with this electorate.

Every day I see people on Bernie’s Facebook wailing about how it’s no surprise that Crooked Hillary lost to Trump; how our Lord and Savior Bernie Sanders could’ve done so much better, etc.

I lived and studied in the Netherlands for six months this past January, and was surprised by the level of racism there. For such a progressive, egalitarian country (at least in terms of what the white natives are allowed to do/wear/believe), they’re super xenophobic.

Well, if the current party figurehead is any indicator, intelligence isn’t really the GOP’s strong suit.

Eh, I think this is way overdramatized. The majority of hotels targeting the millennial segment don’t decorate their lobbies with a disco ball and smoke machine.

Exactly. I work at a high-end travel agency (yes, they still exist) and our bookings at Trump properties are, as you might imagine, down significantly.

You’re right. For clarity, I too know a number of “educated” people who will also be voting for The Great Pumpkin come Nov. 28, I think I just prefer to pretend it’s a cancer contained to the traditionally ignorant.

Unfortunately, this is useless because it assumes those voting for Trump have a remedial grasp of the English language. Personally, this is not an assumption I’m willing to make.

Ignoring the bizarre (and technically incorrect) defense of the indefensible, Katrina’s voice sounds shaky at the beginning. I imagine it’s difficult to keep spewing bullshit when you’re nearly up to your neck in it.

Boggles the mind that airheads like Kayleigh McEnany think this is defensible behavior when it is a literal match to the behavior Donald Trump himself bragged about exhibiting (on tape, in his own words).

I dislike Paul Ryan on so many levels, but I would have a some respect for him if he stood by his supposed morals and flat out rejected Trump. This conference call is weak sauce because it shows how willing he is to sell his soul to the racist, misogynist devil: he initially dumps Trump, but then when the protests

I’m not disagreeing with you, but I’m willing to give Angela Rye a tiny pass on this one because I think my brain would temporarily cease to function if I had to listen to someone make a birther argument *and* maintain some semblance of composure.

I have an ‘00 Lexus with 405k miles on it. Try as I might, it just won’t stop running.

Yep. I love using Apple products, but I’ve had at least five iPhones in the same number of years brick out on me, either randomly or after an update. They’re not immune.

I watched the whole thing, and while I would concede that Norman was perhaps antagonistic, Beckham was the physical aggressor (escalator?) in the majority, if not all situations.