The best movies get better each time you watch them. That is why I am now going to praise the 2007 cinematic…
The best movies get better each time you watch them. That is why I am now going to praise the 2007 cinematic…
I have never seen a more perfect use of that.
I’m not really the hugest fan of this new paradigm of judging an entire film based on a poster, or a still, or a production still. Everything on the Internet is either “BEST EVAR!!!11” or “worst episode ever” and this type of quick reaction with little substance isn’t really doing much to improve discourse.
That is impressive. I'm not sure that even the guy playing Webley knows what he's saying. (Halloo Walder Frey/Argus Filtch!)
Honest to goodness his entire performance in this film makes me think he enjoys being Timothy Dalton almost too much. He is so obviously having a blast.
“You’ve got to lock me away! I’M A SLASHER! ... ... ...Of high PRICES!”
"Plastic spoon and PERHAPS a pencil"
I think she look really hot. She looks happy. And the shaming about her posing nude because *gasp*!!! she is a mother, makes me sad. She looks good. And oily.
You'll appreciate this, then: A friend of mine, who is gay, was called a "fag" by a fourteen year old, who then told him he fucked my friend's mom. So he told him that he was, in fact, a fag, and that he'd fucked the kid's dad. "Low and slow. Like barbecue, baby."
Good read - Gay is 200% correct. Reminds me of the time where one of my friends didn't understand why (and I quote) "women are bitching all the time about negative comments on youtube". So I wrote a blog post on a (now gone) wordpress site about videogames with two different author names - one was female, one was…
that "I wish I was never born" thing I can assure you that often means a hell of a lot more than nothing. sometimes it is just a complaint but it is often much more than that it is often a call for help or a serious consideration on ending ones life. Never take something like that likely because maybe it's nothing but…
"Careful not to confuse intellectual conversation for bigotry..."
I'm sorry, but I can argue that this isn't really inte-
"If you can't tell the difference then perhaps you are the modern Neanderthal :)"
Ah, thanks, saves me counter-arguments.
Honestly though, what you describe is lacking in so many departments I'd almost…
In truth i am on your side. but i think people have a tendency to get attached to beliefs. any belief . Muslims with the hadiths written by Mohammed . Christians with depictions of Christ .Buddhist with attaining enlightenment. Hindus with Vedas. just like all religious people with their irrational ingrained, if not…
There's nothing intellectual about a conversation where you shame and stereotype an entire group of people because they think differently than you, then declare them all to be Neanderthals.
You realize that only a small handful of wars were actually caused by religion, right? I mean, in the grand scheme of all the wars that humanity has had, we're talking less than half a dozen that were directly caused by religion. Even the Crusades weren't really CAUSED by religion, religion was merely the backdrop. …