
About as well as the US, neither have any manned spacecraft

News Flash - American jet catches up with UK jet from 40 years ago in terms of VTOL capability, way to go USA USA USA

If I had an Xbox I could already use it as a STB with Telus up here in America's Hat

Plenty of ass hats like that in Alberta too! Fuck 'em fuck 'em all!

I am fortunate to have only been to Slough at night to a couple of illicit raves

Backed by financially, however designed and built in Britain because the resources at Dearborn were unsure about how to make a car go round a corner

Straws are being clutched at

RS200 is about as American as afternoon tea


See GT40 as to why no!

Designed and built in Britain..........hardly 'merkan

Love my Classic, had the choice of it or an 8gb touch which would hold a minute amount of my music where as the Classic took everything and still has a huge amount of space.

I would be impressed if Amazon would open up the App Store to Canada!

He was almost as good, as if anyone could be better except maybe Mansell. Alesi's exploits in an under funded and under powered Tyrrell were immense, he was unfortunate to become Ferrari #1 when they were shit.

Ah foolish me.......blame the viral pink eye I have for fucking with my humour cortex, I thought the joke was that the Nano isn't really a car

Have riden in one, in period when I was a whipper snapper, but to hoon one now at full tilt in reverse would be awesome

TATA and Tatra

Not to be too pedantic but the QotD was "Which Car Brand....." so Tatra as a car brand is dead, same as DAF

AARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH beaten to Tatra by 4 minutes, although my reference to Nazi killing abilities was included!

She's just trying to fit in with the general NASCAR demographic.........racist, homophobic, right wing white trash.