
The Grand Tour encompassed all that was good about old new TAG and everything that was bad. Old new TG was getting stale and TGT did little to fix that problem. Because of that I would argue that what prevented it from being great wasn’t the lawyers but the entire team who, rather than evolve the show simply rehashed

Looks like a Lancia Delta Hyena

It’s not gone yet. The council only made their decision to grant approval for the project at the end of last year. It could take a couple years before work starts and then there is the appeal planned against the decision.

Having recently finished re-reading 1984 for the first time since high school I’m convinced George was a time traveller and was documenting our near future.

I think you might mean Oreca 03 and not Oracle 03

What has the Sierra Cosworth got to do with Ford US? It was developed in the UK by Ford UK & Cosworth. Oh and the Cruze is really Korean (GM Korea lead the design team with major input from Opel) and the WTCC cars were designed and built by Ray Mallock Ltd in the UK.

I had been to Canada before but not Calgary. Yes it was a risk but you have to take risks sometimes. Having moved many many times within the UK helped as I'm used to settling in new places and making friends. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.


Great article one to which I can totally empathise having done the same with my family. We moved to Calgary from London in 2008, I had a job but we only had temporary accommodation and had never been to Calgary. After 4 years we did it again but only moved from Calgary to Vancouver.

There are some great gluten free beers out there and Udi's bread is pretty close to the real thing. Try Estrella Daura & Omission Beers (they do a lager, IPA & Pale Ale), they are all made with malt barley but with a gluten content that is low enough to be classified as gluten free.

Can't beat a bit of Crappy Tire

Why should I be excited 'for' snow, what has snow done to be excited about? Now, if I were to be excited 'about' snow then your headline might make sense

Brooklands was the first purpose built racetrack and as such permanent meant it was always there, rather than the temporary circuits used previously around the world.

Luckily for me I held onto my job during the massive slump. Oil needs to be above approx $85/barrel for the oil sands to be worth the investment, when the price crashed lots of mine/processing projects were put on hold or cancelled.

True, unfortunately both a right wing and favour profits and big business over everything else

Price of oil is around $94/barrel currently

The oil companies are forced to research and implement clean up programs, but its under the control of the Albertan government and not the federal. Unfortunately the Albertan government keeps giving the oil companies waivers so that they don't have to meet the environmental controls by the agreed date.

Small town, there approx 250,000 inhabitants of Milton Keynes!

Bit like the Los Angeles Angels then