
Too true, have they still make the Defender and the Range Rover so there is hope.

Dead car brand...........they ain't dead

Tatra, why?.......rear engined aircooled V8 combined with radical designs and Nazi killing abilities, that's why.

Currently toying with the idea of replacing HTC Sense with Launcher Pro on my Desire Z, as recently Sense has become slow and many times it has to 'load' when I close an app which is driving me nuts.

Do some testing in various browsers other than IE please, there are now big gaps in the right scroll section, it flickers and freaks out when you try to scroll it too!

Astrid Kuhn of Global Calgary is always a nice image to wake up to over a morning coffee

635csi's are escalating in value and will be a bona-fide classic in a few short years

No, its just timing and an applicable role being available for my skill set.

I'm working on such a move and have been since the beginning of the year. I contacted a couple of companies in my chosen city, contacted the right people via Linkedin and have been in communication with them periodically throughout the year. I took a trip out and arranged to meet with them and discussions are

Really rather excellent, not a bad tune among them

Thats why I sign up to rental companies membership clubs, mostly cars are ready for me I can just go pick them up from the lot.

in the words of Michael Palin.........."you lucky lucky bastard"

my work blocks You Tube, fortunately the IT Gestapo have yet to discover Vimeo


hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm boobs

Awesome, almost makes me wish I was back in the UK.................used to go and see Thundersaloons at Snetterton

Typical Albertan response to BC

Typical Albertan response, why is there such resentment of BC from Alberta?.......I remember a load of violence on 17th Ave after the Flames lost duing the play offs a couple of years back. There are idiots and thugs everywhere, as an English football fan I should know, but they are not true fans. It only takes a few

The C5 had a washing machine motor not a vacuum cleaner motor, the Hoover company make washing machines too.