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At a certain point in the boring eighties....these guys were the shit. Do some research kidz. Then come back and thank me. ;)

Boy that’s rough...was Gam-Gam a Met’s fan as well??

#1 should be to run away from GMail! Those a-holes are tracking your every move. It’s email people...

Great stuff! I sure do miss John Candy.

I had a Volvo Wagon slide off the jack while doing an oil change. Not a huge deal becuase I wasn’t under the car when it happened - I was literally holding 1 of the jackstands. I was ratcheting up the stand when the car slid off the jack and onto the stand I was holding. Unfortuately I was holding the top of my thumb

So Doug....lets talk about that Viper....

You need to relax dude. If I have to sit thru another Gas Monkey episode to get my car fix...I’m gonna hurl. Watching these 3 using a Volvo wagon through a McDonalds drive-thru puts the gas monkey ass-hattery to shame.

I heard it was the same group that staged the Kardashian heist. There was no explosion...that’s just what Elon wants the sheeple to think. Sneaky bastard...I’m on to you Musk!!

Right on. I’d love to own this car but lets be realistic...this thing is still a Ford. 35K for a hatch is insane to me. And you’ve lost your marbles if you pay 45k!!!

I’m too lazy to find the link but please Youtube - the Crazy/Hot Matrix. Show it to your kids ASAP and God Bless America!

Former STL Rams Fan here. I’m still bitter so I apologize up front. The Rams WILL suck as long as Stan is the owner. He’s doesn’t care about the product on the field. I really, really HATE Jerry Jones but I do think he cares about the product on the field. Stan just doesn’t give a shit and as long as Demoff, Snead and

Harlan kicks ass! The Rams suck...sorry LA. And for some bizarre reason STL actually wanted them to stay?!?! Fuck you Stan! And thanks.

That’s awesome! And those guys get to work in exotic locations...

I don’t care who she is...I’m buying whatever she’s selling.

Absolutely agree. Might want to start by gettting a better product on the track. And waiting for Bernie to be shipped off to hell (sorry, I mean “off to the great paddock in the sky”). Even Nascar is hurting in the US.

I just thought he was a vampire & sunlight was seeping thru his creepy makeup.

Once a guy turns 16...gotta worry about the perfume and the car-fumes.

More Buxton!! I appreciate his passion... but I have a seizure each and every time Matchett starts talking about tires.

I can’t take credit for the phrase...but in the comments of an earlier post - Why not restore this baby back to “Elvis Spec”? Far more interesting and still cool. The BMW is nice but the Elvis version is crazy & cool all at the same time.