
go to the gym fatty. Maybe then women will like you. Until then, sorry bro. you were born to be a piece of shit

ugh, close relationship between them and MS.

you're fanboy ass? you are fanboy ass... you are A fanboy ass? I don't know what you're trying to say soooo many possibilities. Look, it's common logic, due to the close partnership with mojang/4J studios and MS, I know they will get more options and be superior. Sorry bro

it's crap. no one buys it, oh and did I mention it's shit? the kinect sold 24 million units, talk to me when the ps shit move sells that many

kinect is better than the move and ps eyetoy

It doesn't say it will, does it? I'm pretty sure Mojang and 4J studios specifically will give specific exclusive content to MS since it's the superior platform. Plus they got A LOT of success of minecraft on 360

It's so cool that these are coming to the 360 version of minecraft. The sony version is going to suck so much

When will sony answer kotaku back about external capture card support? Never? sounds good

Explain to me how this is better than the kinect. I swear to god, if you say that it's because they don't force you to get one, I'm gonna lose my shit

the Move and the camera are horrible pieces of tech. They're an embarrassment

This game looks awesome, looks better than other games I've seen launching for other systems. can't wait to get to play it, twisted pixel has made some of my favorite games

This looks completely stupid. then again, it's sony

why is that? because it's online sucks. That's why i will always go for Xbox Live, online capabilities are big for me. I'm not going to die over not playing infamous or whatever, knack, and especially not killzone. Those killzone games were BORING

how about you jump off a bridge

None of their launch games look appealing. Infamous comes out next year, that looks good, but I need to see more to know. I remember Heavenly Sword was going to be the next god of war, and be awesome and it was so hyped up. Turned out crap.

Maybe for some people, but I'm not lying. For me thats how long it takes. It sucks. I gotta leave it on for most of the day to finish dl one of those free games

On Live updates take me 1 min, and game dls take like 5 min. On PSN, I've had plus which doesn't increase quality of service, only give you free games, took 15 min updates and hrs to dl a game.

the first infamous sucked. i just played it this year, maybe it was good in its time. it's so repetitive and boring. infamous 2 was good but it didnt blow my mind away. Uncharted was amazing, except I hope they don't make anymore. Time to leave that story alone. No more elana and drake breaking up, I'm sick of it.

Yeah cause sony has such great games.... hahahahha. killzone looks like crap. that's the only one or playing indie games

Yeah MS is almost as confused as Sony when they never responded to kotaku about external capture card support