

are you american? haha i dunno

you're kidding about the icecream sandwich thing right?

actually dummy, it started as a timed exclusive.

go ahead. be another moron who spends $60 on a game you could just play on ps3. it's under $30 on ps3. go ahead pay double again, sony will appreciate the money for a game that hasn't even been out a yr

thank god. sony fanboys on ign were going crazy over this. I'm glad there are level-headed people here

i don't know about you, loser, but I love tv shows. If someone said to me choose, game of thrones or the last of us. I would say game of thrones without a doubt in my mind. it's amazing. if they can make great programming, then I have no issue. they have nancy tellem at the helm who did WONDERS at cbs, she brought

typical you being so short sighted and naive

you're an idiot

you're an idiot

you're an idiot

yeah apparently someone else took down steam. at least he's taking credit for it on twitter.


borderlands 2 was on sale for $10 on live in january and it just became free on ps plus like a month ago.

you hadn't played bioshock yet at this point?!!! i thought it was stupid for ps plus to give free games that have been out so long. infinite is goty material how is it you haven't played it by now


i can't wait for this game. it looks amazing, it will be better than heavy rain in every way possible.

yeah why show loyalty to your own people? sony is so selfish

this game is gonna suck hahahahah

i love how all the dumb sony fanboys have been hyping this game up. the crappy online only, free to play game. hahahahaha