you're one of the worst things to ever be launched out of your mom. so I'm sure you can relate
you're one of the worst things to ever be launched out of your mom. so I'm sure you can relate
I think it's nonsense that cellphone bills are sooo ridiculously high yet people don't say shit. I have a ton of devices that can play netflix. whats the big deal
Yeah sony has some geeks like cerny that look like people i would beat up on and make fun of when i was in high school. Well anytime really for looking like a wimp
Can't wait to play it on pc. it seems like these new consoles, mostly the ps4 which i don't plan on getting, is getting good indie support and will keep people busy. Launch titles usually end up with only one good game and like a couple ok games. It looks like you could use indie games to bide time. i don't know about…
Next year. It's going to be like $300 though
Last of us has amazing multiplayer, which is why i hate that sony fanboys never play it. Play freaking multiplayer on your consoles! everyone has the internet
Most of the time Spain, also went to germany, france. I spoke to spaniards, germans, and others i met for were studying with me in my study abroad program. All of them liked ps3, and sony in general, but not because of exclusives. MS needs some good publicity over there. Basically, what they tried to do with japan…
MS will always have a good install base in the US, although I think the ps4 numbers here will be a little bit higher. Japan.... yeah..... The UK has the xbox one in front, which is not all that surprising since the 360 is the leader there in sales. Europe (well rest of), is key for MS, I think Sony has an advantage…
it wouldn't you stupid piece of shit
MS is the way to go. they sold a lot more copies on GTA IV for 360 than for ps3
They said it for splinter cell blacklist. It said no, or not yet or something. No based off the campaign, they hadnt gotten into the multiplayer yet
you're a moron. the cloud will look amazingly. don't compare it to this mmo crap.
I'll believe it when i see it. I hate how sony fanboys are trying to kill MS exclusives. i have no doubt in my mind that it will NEVER come to the PS4. Not like all those indie games that ps4 showed off that are coming to xbox one. hahaha like the witness, "exclusive" to ps4 yet it comes to PC and iOs and xbox one at…
I read videogame articles every single day.
Kinect 2.0 for pc will be like $300. might as well get the xbox one at that point
I thought this sony press conference was horrible. it was all indie games, and a lot of them you can get for PC. I feel like the 360 made indies popular on consoles but if you really care about them then get them on PC. STEAM SALES. i wanted to get monaco for xbox which i did, but i got it first on PC cause of a good…
I was never and will never be a nintendo fanboy. I just think the psp is worthless, but i do hold a grudge for sony tricking me into thinking that the psp was a good system. I will buy a vita when I get those $250 back for that useless crap
I wouldn't play minecraft on a portable! why play on such a tiny screen. btw it's coming to ps4 now, but I doubt it will sell much because most people who want it, got it
I have a 360, ps3, wii, multiple pcs, psp and ds... you were saying you piece of no good fuck?
I don't know about off the record... was that dlc? like case zero and case west. It's not out of this world if this REMAINS an xbox 1 exclusive because the original dead rising was a 360 exclusive. how come everyone questions the exclusives from MS like titanfall too but no one says jack shit about sony exclusives