
I still think the xbox one launches first. the ps4 launch date is ok, but sony fanboys kept saying it was going to be in october. I guess the sony fanboys were wrong, i think the xbox one should launch first, but the european date is so bad for ps4 that it doesn't matter

Dead rising 1 was a xbox exclusive....

Shut up you fat piece of crap. It's fact that the ps vita sucks. I'm not rooting for the 3DS, I'm not a nintendo fanboy. I just call it like I see it, now get a gym membership you fat nerd loser

Limbo, tons of other indies. Now fez is coming out and sony fanboys are saying cant wait to play that on my vita. I had the ability to play it for like a year now on xbox, also it was dirt cheap on steam this summer. Why? whyyyyyyyyyyy. Also now borderlands 2 is coming out, why are sony fanboys excited about that?

The 3DS is the better buy. I don't understand sony fanboys. A lot of them are excited for borderlands 2 coming for vita. ARE YOU SERIOUS PEOPLE, thats nothing to be excited about when its been on consoles forever

A lot of Sonys indie games are timed exclusives. Even the great The Witness that people raved about is timed and will come to xbox at some point. But it comes out on pc and iOS right away. I mean come on now. PS4 doesn't impress me at all and this press conference was horrible. Before people say, where is MS

A lot of Sonys indie games are timed exclusives. Even the great The Witness that people raved about is timed and will come to xbox at some point. But it comes out on pc and iOS right away. I mean come on now. PS4 doesn't impress me at all and this press conference was horrible. Before people say, where is MS

I hate it when companies take shots at others. MS never says anything about sony

What happened sony fanboys, you said it was going to be in october

you can play it on PC

Why are they wasting resources on a watchdog movie?

I'm shocked that its coming to ps4, but thats good for sony fans. But the place to play minecraft for the best experience is still the PC and xbox. they both have a huge install base and mojang is working on transferring saves from 360 to one.

Then why not get it for PC. it was a bargain on steam

hahahah of course they would spend lots of time on a movie. sony doesn't care about gaming like all these fanboys claim

Sonys sneaky language... making it's CONSOLE DEBUT on ps4. that smells of timed exclusives. there is no reason to get a ps4. hahaha this sony presser has been a joke

This looks ok, but NOTHING sony has shown has been good. so far even MS little presser was better

Boring indie games so far

I've always hated sonys language... from the great devs of Magicka. I've NEVER heard of that game

3DSXL has a bunch of deals all the time. If you read kotaku, you've seen them. I've seen it for $175 or less a bunch of times

3DSXL has a bunch of deals all the time. If you read kotaku, you've seen them. I've seen it for $175 or less a bunch of times