
First cool game I've seen for vita. It's still overpriced and not worth getting tho

This looks dumb

Wow, I was able to play this game on 360 sooooo long ago, it's good but kinda overrated.

really cool how theyre bringing out old stuff again. This is nothing compared to project spark

Its still over priced, and seriously all the games are ports. why play it on there if i can play it on a console or pc?

Boring game, should have made it for ps4

haha what a horrible boring start. also the interface doesn't look so good. But it can't be any worse than the ps3 interface

Say what you will about COD but cod elite is free, it used to cost money back in the day. Premium offers a lot so i get why it costs money, but only diehard people who only play this game will pay for this feature. also what happens if you have premium for ps4 and theres an xbox one owner without premium.. who gets

Yeah this game is addicting. its so fun to enjoy a game first on xbox.

PS4 sucks

Its not a timed exclusive moron

Then why did DICE say that BF4 is more optimized on xbox one and not on ps4? Sorry, try again MORON

The best way to play this game will be on xbox one

This is such an amazing looking game. The kinda game you can ONLY enjoy on xbox one on consoles. it's too good to be on ps4

pc? well i can't afford a high powered pc. Not when I have a desktop, and 2 laptops that work just fine for everything else

I'm sure this game will be awesome on the new kinect. I'm excited for a fighting game like this. Sony has nothing like this on their crappy system

Of course this doesn't mean ps4 wont have dedicated servers for cod ghosts but I highly doubt they will. sonys online infrastructure has always sucked. xbox live is the online king

MS really wants that European market, since it has the American market on lock. They tried to do that with japan with 360 by getting exclusive square rpgs, but they all sucked. Europe seems like any easier sell to me because they buy a lot of sony but they mostly only play FIFA. I met a lot of europeans when i studied

Peggle on 360 was such an addicting game. Plants vs zombie gw looks like a really fun game that i was embarrassed to admit. Being able to play these two games FIRST on xbox one is why i love MS sometimes. people stuck with a ps4 gotta wait. reminds me of castle crashers, by the time sony fanboys were saying how much

This looks like a fun game, its awesome its exclusive for the xbox. Too bad crappy ps4 cant play this game