
This is not such a good tv move by sony for those who care. MS has the advantage with TV right now. Unless sony is also going to make original programming. Viacom has nothing worth watching expect comedy central. I certainly wouldn't pay for this

I remember when I thought MTV was the coolest and I watched it all the time... I was 13 years old, that was a decade ago. I wonder if younger kids now enjoy the show. hahaha I would even watch the mtv spiderman show with weird animations

In the UK xbox one orders are ahead of ps4? Hmm that interesting. any idea why?

Xbox one still has the advantage on the TV wrong

It's a Live tv thing

My comparison is concerning the mandatory factor. People need to be forced to get/have services because they don't know what's good for them. People are resistant to change

Who still uses facebook? that fell out of popularity years ago

people game on PC?! News to me, must be for those anti social people

This isn't an immature people on xbox live issue, as a lot of sony fanboys would say. This is more of a societal issue. There's bullying and such in schools. When I was in highschool there was this middle eastern kid that people would jokingly call a terrorist, he eventually left the school to go to a better city...

This looks amazing. But I'm still worried about the limitations of current gen systems with this. An open online world? That seems really ambitious. Hopefully everything works right

Should've read the the fine print bro. It says, until death do you part

So you think they should have made the xbox one a digital only console? Would people have bought into that?

Battlefield is giving exclusive timed content for MS so it's weird that the post was done on the PS blog. Obviously MS owes a lot to COD, but battlefield, EA in particular has a close relationship with MS, or so they keep saying. That's part of the reason why I think titanfall will only be on MS platforms. whatever. I

These two modes look really fun

Splinter cell is an awesome series

Let's face it, most videogame nerds are anti-social, this especially applies to pc gamers. Don't act like it's not true.

Considering you can go to a bar to watch a game, and you can't do that for videogames, I would say you're wrong. I know plenty of gamers that are anti-social

Well I said a football game, because I dont feel like saying my favorite team because I will get pissed off if people shit on them. I don't feel like getting into that. If it's a great game, or good matchup, like I dunno packers vs 49ers, or 49ers vs seahawks

That NEVER happened to me. I played on the 360

I had 0 bugs on the 360 version