Not all of us videogame fans are such nerds and anti-social that we don't like sports. If I had to choose watching a football game or playing a videogame, no matter what the game is, I will choose watching the football game
Not all of us videogame fans are such nerds and anti-social that we don't like sports. If I had to choose watching a football game or playing a videogame, no matter what the game is, I will choose watching the football game
Well you should believe that you're a bitch.
Franklin and bash is one of my favorite summer shows. I also like Suits, I've always wanted to be that kind of don't give a crap asshole. I mean I don't care about other people, so I'm almost there
Blast corps what now? I have never heard of that game. Even though I had an N64, since I was a kid I feel like there were a lot of games I didn't know about. I just loved playing pokemon stadium and smash bros.
I don't care what anyone says the "TV" and multimedia aspect of the xbox one is appealing to me. I love playing videogames, but I do have favorite shows that are just as important to me. Game of thrones at the top, breaking bad, walking dead. I don't care what game I'm playing, I will stop playing to watch these…
I don't have time to give attention to your mother's biggest mistake of her life
You might want to get a better grasp on going to the gym fattie
You fucking asshole piece of shit, trust me I'm not making up any articles. I read it, I don't make shit up. When I say that PSN takes me 20 min to dl an update and hrs to dl games. I'm not making that up, I have every system. I have no reason to make that shit up. I saw that article and I was shocked, because I…
I'm just starting law school, you only take the bar when you finish. You DUMB PIECE OF SHIT
Well here in the US wii u preorders did not get sold out. Also if you use that reasoning, then the ps4 could possibly not sell that well. Maybe videogames overall will not sell that much anymore. That's your reasoning
Ohhh that makes sense why you're such a dumbass, "SoCal", you're a damn hippie hahahaha. you're a dumb fuck. get out of here loser
My point MORON, you piece of shit is that what's the big deal about those features? Those are just other features that are secondary to me. I have xbox live gold for the service, I'm not thinking ohhh i can use netflix... Why would anyone have an xbox and not have gold? It doesn't make any sense to me. I have lots of…
This is to move towards the future. Sometimes people don't know what's good for them. Just like with healthcare people need to be FORCED to have insurance, cause people are idiots
Yeah your mom was bored when she had you. For your information you dumbass, I'm going to law school while you're living in your parents basement. don't argue with me you moron
stfu you fucker. just because you're a fat piece of crap that nobody knows doesn't mean you know anything
Fucking kill yourself you fucking sack of shit. I'm SICK AND TIRED of hearing about this paywall. Who cares about this or that for netflix? I have a million devices that can play netflix. so shut your fucking mouth you shit. You're nothing but a dumbass fanboy
That isn't accurate moron. this article I read like 2 weeks ago had 360 higher in sales. It's very close thoughSo don't argue with me boy. you fucking dumb piece shit. go fuck yourself.
Actually the 360 WAS passed but recently passed the ps3 again
I define online superiority by the speed of downloads and updates. Is the experience seamless and good? Xbox live is all that, psn/ps plus SERVICE isn't good. I don't define a good online experience as getting free games. If it takes me hrs to dl a game, yes free, whatever. i don't care about free games as much as i…
No it didn't moron