
Actually you MORON, 360 sold the second most. PS3 is third. Not by much, but it's third. Xbox 360 once again passed ps3 like a month. Also you dumb piece of shit better specs means nothing, I would use the example of 360 being more successful than ps3 but you wouldn't agree. So I'll use this one, the ps2 was by far

you fucking moron, sonys online pales in comparison. that's why updates take forever

server outages?? their online infrastructure is much superior to sonys

then you're a moron

the only way to move forward is to force you to do things. just like valve forced people to get steam back when half life 2 came out

I have NEVER had trouble with play and charge and I've had it since 2007

This is how to make the perfect controller. Sony should be taking notes, I really prefer using batteries than using rechargeable. My ps3 controller doesn't even last that long and then I have to hook it up with that short usb cable. UGH.

takes 20 min. on my 360 takes a min

this looks dumb, then again it's the ps3. why am i surprised?

I don't understand why there are so many people WHINING about this, I had no idea so many people cared about this dumb plan, that I've always hated. I hear about these situations where families have 4 xbox 360s... seriously?! 4 of them... That's ridiculous. The xbox one will be amazing for this home gold feature. Of

yes, how about you stop being an idiot. playstation sucks. sony sucks

Read again you MORON, how is it $240, it's $60, of course i get 1 yr cards for $35

I didn't say. You're a piece of shit. jump off a bridge

Assuming the "something huge" is God of war, hopefully he can redeem the piece of shit that was god of war ascension. That game was horrible. I personally, never want to see another god of war game again, god of war 3 ended the story perfectly. It just needs to end there. No more. I feel the same way about

Yet Sony still wont see much profit

Shout out to Gavin, from roosterteeth and #dantheman

I didn't say that either. you fucking moron. Even if I did it must have been imitating another moron like you. I never use that word, what am i, australian?

Well you dummy, if i can use anyone, how will i talk to other people

It costs like $20-25 separately. If that headset is pennies on the dollar, then the earbuds for ps4 are not even worth a penny

I know that the xbox one headset is better than the crap found with the ps4. I said parents basement, not moms basement