Did I say the word kid once? dumbass
Did I say the word kid once? dumbass
The one thing you can book, is the witness coming to xbox one. It's funny that ps4 showed it off as an exclusive. Before you say blah blah blah timed exclusive. it comes out for windows 8 and ios at the same time. not much of an exclusive... hahahahaha ps4 sucks. Seriously though, iOS? that's funny, if it were just pc…
If it were like Mass effect and several years later. Then that would be fine. By the time people are bored with the game. Reminds me of castle crashers, played the shit out of the game before ps3 users even had a chance. Still the best way to experience the game will be through the xbox one
If they were so far along, how come they said last guardian is still a far away from coming out and is on the back burner? Sony is always doing shit like that
hahahaha it's not out of the question barely seems like an acknowledgement to me. I believe that respawn will work exclusively on MS platform because sony doesn't have the cloud power or dedicated servers to have the full experience. Also considering the publisher EA has a "special relationship" with MS, something…
I don't know why did people care about last guardian from E3 3 or 4 years ago? I have little trust in sony because of this. I remember when I beat kingdom hearts 2 and the cutscene at the end says kingdom hearts 3(keyblade wars) coming 2010 on ps3. I was like yeahhhh i was so happy I almost bought a ps3. This happened…
Just pissed that you're an idiot
I hear some fools talking about ps4/pc gaming. I will majorly be gaming on the xbox one. I have lost a lot of respect for sony after the ps2, now that it probably my favorite console ever although I love my 360. The ps3 did have a lot of exclusives but as great as some of them are, there is no replayability. I have a…
It's not a console exclusive, timed, it's coming out also on windows 8 pc, and ios
Obviously you're an idiot. Open up a dictionary and look up the word reveal
PS4 showed almost no exclusives. Don't know what you're talking about. As of now the xbox one looks much better you moron
They never said that. It will remain an Xbox console exclusive. you can BOOK IT.
have fun with the shitty ps4
durr durr durr blah blah. that's what you sound like. I'm sick and tired of these sony fanboys seeing EVERYTHING in favor of the ps4. There are things xbox one is better at. I can't believe it can be an argument that the xbox one headset is better than the crappy ps4 earbuds
tell me that isn't the cheapest piece of shit earbuds you've ever seen
you're a still a moron. When you get into law school, then we'll talk. Catch up kiddo, move out of your parents basement
Ok moron, the xbox one headset is an actual headset with the mic in case you didn't see the picture while the ps4 earbuds has no mic that I can see, you moron. Also idiot, skullcandys are horrible and personally sometimes I hate in ear. I have better headphones, but I don't have a way to talk back do I, you idiot. I…
I can say that because the the kinect 2.0 is a much more sophisticated piece of tech than the ps camera, that's just FACT. Better implementation?! The original kinect was better than the ps move and shit, yes the eye toy had a couple of uses on ps2 but overall was ehhh. Also the camera on ps3 sucked and did not have…
Don't be an idiot. ps fanboys were praising before they knew what it looked like for a long time and saying xbox one sucked for not offering that
I didn't really care if it had a headset or not, but it's cool to have I guess. It's better than the shitty earbuds that come with the ps4 that sony fanboys were bragging about before they actually saw what they looked like.