
it's not incredibly more expensive moron. plus the xbox one is more powerful than you think. it has ESRAM to make up some of the difference of GDDR5

ps4 just comes with some earbuds. that's pathetic

I would rather have an online service that wont take hrs to download a game.

Kinect 2.0 > ps eye toy camera. sorry, thanks for playing

you also need a netflix or hulu plus subscription to use those.

At least the xbox one is confirmed with external capture card support

Interesting fact: It's the PREMIUM version that's available with the Gold membership. It's not the free version that most people use.

What about external capture card support

PS3 doesn't have HBO go and ps4 probably will not either

It's funny that when MS said they would not have a headset, and sony said their console would have one. Sony fans bragged on and on... it turned out to be just shitty earbuds and now MS does this

Yeah, but the wifi direct tech they're using is much superior for game chat. Bluetooth has major issues. Also seriously bluetooth? what is this, 2005?

Smite is much better than stupid LoL. In LoL I don't feel involved in the game.

I barely play? I have played a lot of games on my 360. I play a lot, trust me. I just take really good care of my things. I heard bad things about ps3 controllers as well. I haven't have my ps3 long enough to comment on that, but my 360 I've had forever. I will say that wii rechargeable battery packs suck. I've had my

Looks like crap. Well, that pretty much describes ps3 games

Grade 3, it's the third grade. Nobody says it the other way you around

I weep for humanity because you keep making spelling and grammar mistakes. Please do us all a favor and jump off a bridge you moron. was on THE* basis, not he basis. Other mistakes, too lazy to point out. You're a fucking moron piece of shit, xbox 360 and Live is superior

has no bearing*, then to say you're* right. Sorry you speak of intelligence yet you make such pathetic, moronic mistakes. Just because I didn't provide a source, doesn't mean it would be an intelligent response. Sources do not equal an intelligent response. Look, I've watched so many videos, and I've read so many

If they are so poorly made then why do my controllers not have those problems? I also use the play and charge kit and I've had it for 6 years without needing to replace it. I think you're just a moron

I didn't look at all, because you're not worth that time. Trust me, I wouldn't lie about that. I watch and read enough of videogame experts.

I read/watch videogame news every day. I don't need sources, I'm a gamer, everyone says the 360 controller is better