
I own both as well and I find your argument uncouth. I don't know what controll is but the xbox 360 controller is much superior according to most people that write videogame articles or speak on official youtube sites, eg roosterteeth. I pay $35 for my Gold membership the last 3 years. Don't know what you're talking

yea because so many people use the Vita or even own one, there are also so many multiplayer vita games where you can use that... cross chat on a handheld is stupid. then again, you're stupid. what a retarded argument that gaystation fans use

Sure mary jane watson. cheap/poor? I own every fucking console. I have a desktop, shitty, and 2 laptops, both shitty, and an iphone. I wouldn't call that poor. By shitty, I mean not good enough to play good pc games. can't even play gta 4 after i got it cheap on steam sales.

Vent? is that some pc crap? Pc... gaming..? huh whats that. I'm willing to pay for a better service that doesn't take 15 min to updates or for 1 hr long new version software that can brick your console

Party chat/cross game chat

saints row 3 is more than a shooter.

Then that's all you, because I've never had to buy 360 controllers due to ones getting broken. I've had a 360 since 2007 and that has never happened to me

How about you jump off a bridge

Yes, I do. I'm being objective. It's been said by many videogame experts (ie analysts, youtube people, and others) that the 360 controller is better. it's not subjective. It's fact that it's better.

I have all the systems. your point is moot

Sure, after you move out of your parents basement you parasite

Not all of us have near $2000 to spend on this

In conclusion, youre a fucking idiot. Controller is better on 360, what does the price of an update have to do with faster updates? I didn't mean faster, as in the frequency of updates, just that they don't take 15-20 min like they do on PS3. Can't deny that because I own both consoles and my updates on 360 take 5

I think you don't understand what PARTY chat means you moron. Ps3 has chat too, but no party chat. Look up the word party in the dictionary

This is expensive... gaming on a laptop is pointless

xbox 360 didn't have it when it first came out

wow saints row 3 or battlefield 3. I would much rather pay money, which I did to play saints row using the great xbox 360 controller than the shitty ps3 controller. dualshock sucks for shooters. L1 and R1, what is that shit

vita has party chat?! Who even owns one?? Interface is much superior. Live has a better multiplayer infrastructure. i don't give two shits about "free games". I pay money to have faster updates and a superior service. what do i get from free games that i have to play on a console with a shitty controller

It's true. I've used both services. Although this is a good deal for plus at $40. It almost NEVER happens. Xbox live subscription cards I've gotten for $35 easily for the last few years. Since you're on this moneysaver I assume you've seen this too. Xbox live value is better

who wants this ps plus crap. Xbox live is much superior. Does ps plus give me party chat on my PS3? nope. yawnnnnn at the free games