How can this pic not queue some serious chuckling, especially given the article context.
I mean, it’s not like Ford isn’t completely aware of how the dealership model works, eh?
How can this pic not queue some serious chuckling, especially given the article context.
I mean, it’s not like Ford isn’t completely aware of how the dealership model works, eh?
Shit, I would put more of that statement behind people like fucking Richard Pryor than anyone.
Murphy nearly single-handedly saved SNL when he was fucking nineteen years old. He wasn’t “given” shit.
Andrew Wyatt is a hotep that needs to take a grammar class so he can learn That he Doesn’t Need to capitalize Random words.
I always thought these arguments are dumb. Do you always use every feature of your car? Did you buy a 4 door, but spend 90% of your time with just you in it? Did you buy a WRX and literally never rally it? Did you get a GTI but only very occasionally drive sportingly? Does your minivan really get all 7 seats used?…
I’m just going to say this in every Freddie Kitchens thread from now until the end of time. Perhaps letting their rookie QB hand pick the new head coach was a bad idea.
This leads us to one Joe Flacco an elite backup quarterback?
All this coverage on Deadspin of the Bears shitting themselves makes me feel like
You were right. I called her. I told her how I am married now but think about her every day. I asked if she felt the same and all she had to say was THE MOBILE SITE FUCKING SUCKS.
Counter: Missed go-ahead kicks in the final seconds of games are indeed the reason why games are lost. Because you see, if the kick had been made, they’d have won.
Tacko Bruiseday
Philadelphia teams are known for low ceilings.
Historical AND sci-fi reference, me likey!
Rob Drake, cival war advocate, and friend of the morans.
very cool we live with millions of fucking lunatics who think shit like this
If his grouping is like his strike zone, we have nothing to worry about. Dude’s a storm trooper.