Broseph Lieberman

You win the internet today. We'll done!


You son of a bitch you beat me to it. Well done. #VoteYourConscience

Proof that all hope is not gone for our political system.

This is a fantastic gif

This really doesn't get old.

Is this some sort of next-level pseudo sub conscious marketing designed to keep us talking about football? I’m not saying this but many people are.

Jesus Christ, can the NFL get anything right? I'm honestly trying to think of a time in recent memory when they fucked something up, learned the right lesson and didn't over correct for the sake of doing 'something.'

Jesus Christ, man. Still too soon. But God damn it if I didn’t laugh.

Just gonna leave this here.....


Much appreciated

Where can I watch this regularly?

Somehow I feel equally bad for all parties involved. This is the Brownsiest thing they could have done for RGIII, it seems like it was inevitable, like this was how it was always going to end.


Wow. He had no choice but to drop the mic after that.

*reaches for low hanging fruit *

Did you really have to point out that he is black?


Because he looks like Ted Cruz?