Title: Seth Rogen put a presumably white child actor in blackface, presumably for “comedy”.
Title: Seth Rogen put a presumably white child actor in blackface, presumably for “comedy”.
about which I am really trying to muster some freaking empathy.
I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”
“I’m okay with this outcome, especially because an external third party conducted the investigation.”
You and I are in the same position. I wish the people behind this were good people, to begin with, but Gunn’s tweets were extremely problematic. They were unfiltered and without the magic of PR. He’s also friends with the sex offender and child pornographer Huston Huddleston. He shared images of pubescent teenaged…
“Were you intimate recently? Do you have a partner?” one of the associates asked carefully.
Not only was she born into wealth, she was born to someone who was an incredibly successful businesswoman, with parents and siblings with a shit ton of connections to the business, fashion, and beauty world. Literally everything she needed in order to make her business a success, she had. What would be incredible…
I... agree with Ted Cruz.
Personally, I think it is VERY important that kids see racism, sexism etc in action so they can understand what it looks like and why it’s wrong. I wouldn’t let a kid read these books totally unsupervised, but I wouldn’t rule them out entirely. I got a lot of my love of the outdoors and desire to do things like cook,…
Her mother reportedly made her and her brother lunch everyday. I feel like Diana was one of those nuveaux riche who felt like you shouldn’t spend money on things you can do for yourself. And instead she funneled her money into collecting beautiful things like art and real estate.
The most shocking thing about this situation is that Kovach was actually fired for it.
I dunno, I feel weird praising the “naturalness” of her look when her lips look so unnatural.
the “reliable heart of a dog”
That is fucking evil.
Announces birth most people weren’t even thinking about...asks for people to “respect their privacy.” Sigh...
Your faith in American justice is adorable.
... But if you were aware of it, could you not just take those 4 dark-colored placebos at the end of the month (as usual), instead of the beginning (as they’re mistakenly packaged)? It looks like the offending blanks are easy to spot.
They’re not scare quotes, the article is literally quoting somebody. It’s highlighting that the judge called her out as a terrorist.
Sure, Mr. Pagourtzis. The natural progression from being bullied is murdering scores of others. JFC. I’m so sick of this “my son was bullied” excuse. I was bullied ruthlessly in school, but I didn’t turn that shitshow into a mass shooting. You grow up and realize it makes you stronger. Of course, I’m a woman, so what…