
Which is amazing since it's a much better argument for why men shouldn't be serving since they can't control themselves.


The probability of your excuses for her reproductive success notwithstanding, the ACTUAL problem here is not the fact she has 6 children, but her choice to abandon them. No preparation, no sitter, no take a night off and let the teenager watch the younger ones. Abandonment. THAT is the big issue here. I totally

I'd consider her a not great parent if she'd dumped her kids on her parents for 6 weeks to go meet this guy - with advance warning, as you said. But by just walking out and going incommunicado on purpose, she definitely crossed into full on sociopath.

I am going to go with believing the abuse, but not using it to excuse her behavior as others have done.

My ex's mother pretty much did this, except she moved to another state for years for some man she was dating, and left her two sons with their drug addict father who spent all his money on drugs rather than food for his children. Nothing at all was done in this situation. You'd be surprised of the kinds of things that

Her behavior is equally off putting. I am far from a helicopter parent, but 3 is a bit young to leave to fend for oneself, especially for 6 weeks. If she was indeed an engaged parent before this, someone needs to check her immediately for the sudden onset of a neurological or mental illness that cause such a change.

It always amazes when people are angry about abuse, but then are abusive.

Oh, so having been in an abusive relationship gives her license to abandon her kids? Got it.

Oh, I am sure she is a doting parent. It is what doting parents do all the time. They check their kids' homework, do some arts and crafts with them, and then fly to Australia after saying they are about to go to the store. How unfair of me to assume she might be a neglectful or checked out parent!

BWAHAHAHA You believe your own shitty assumptions about this woman so of course you would belive that I think she had six kids because she was a "slut".

I bet you a million bucks that this lady constantly shares those stupid pictures on FB that say "Share if your children are your everything and you love and would do anything for them." Because from my personally collected data, there is an inverse relationship between who posts those things and how stable a parent

Middle school is the best age (says middle school teacher)! They can be little shits, but I love that age so much!

Really? Those are the ONLY two possibilities? Also she lied and stayed gone for 6 weeks...with a dude she met online. I'm soooo sure it was the stress of having six kids and not the fact that she's a selfish ass head.

No it's not "equally possible". I work representing kids in the foster care situation. The majority of time you see this pattern, there are multiple fathers.

Being abused doesn't give you license to abuse and/or neglect your children.

Junior high is worse. I teach that age at an after school program and aside from the usual kid bullshit, I had to sort out a sexting scandal. Ugh.

It's a suspended sentence, my guess is that they want to wait until the kids are a bit older and see if she'll re intergrate and get a grip.

One thing would have been, if she arranged for the grandparents to care for the kids and gone on a holiday. But this is ludicrous beyond. The lady surely should not have custody of her kids at all, albeit I don't believe what she did warrants jail time (thankfully the sentence was suspended). Hopefully, the