
Ok, that is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. Also, why is this "admirable"? Obviously people can do whatever the hell they want with their bodies and I fully support their right to do so, but I'm not going to actively applaud a dude for turning himself into a platypus. Sorry, I'll turn in my

But isn't that true? A child is a lot more helpless than Janay Rice or any other adult.

Part of the reason why the NFL (and fans) generally welcomed Michael Vick back into the league was that he seemed genuinely remorseful for his crimes, and worked as an advocate for animal rights. If he had just said, "I fought those dogs because that's how I was raised. I'm confident my actions were right," you bet

To heck with it, I'm feeling expansive and uncynical. Congrats to both moms!

This whole "boundaries" thing you heard from another commenter just doesn't make sense. I teach 7th grade and wow do you need firm boundaries with those guys. There are plenty of decisions I get to make. But if one year (this really happened), my whole class gets obsessed with short story writing (not a planned

The teacher raises animals for food. I have full faith they are aware of approved methods of slaughter. They didn't go to a pet store and clumsily bleed out someone's potential pet.

The students asked for it. Repeatedly. She didn't press this on them to look tough or cool. She raises animals for food on her farm and the students wanted see how a living animal became meat so she showed them. How is that grandstanding? Anyone who didn't want to see it was allowed to leave the room. No one was

Make an argument, have it dispatched in a very reasonable way then proceed to respond with another argument based by "whatever". Well done. I love animals, hate hunting have been a vegetarian since 16, and I don't think this is grandstanding. Anyone in that class that ate meat, this was the most humane thing done to

They didn't cut its throat, they snapped its neck. That's pretty instantaneous and the animal does not scream. Come to think of it I have seen animals slaughtered by having their throats cut (chickens, goats, sheep), and they don't scream either because their windpipes have been severed.

You would burn a human being in a fire over a rabbit?

Only if it was crows. BOOM.

I have a special dislike for people who eat meat but refuse to see what it takes to make meat. You shouldn't eat things if seeing where it comes from makes you cry. You shouldn't feed things to your children if you think seeing it made would be traumatic.

#3 is pretty much the only ACCEPTABLE item on this list.

I honestly wonder if there has ever been a culture or time where people were able to look at themselves and be like, "Awesome." Are we even capable, as a species, of being happy with ourselves? I want to think so, but it's pessimism Friday, and I'm going to say no.

"as do so many people I know who are professionals with advanced degrees..."

Hands up: who skipped the video and went right to the comments?

Not to get all srs fucking business over here, but I got hit by a drunk driver when I was 20. I now have chronic, seemingly permanent (after 10 years), pain. So uh, fuck this bitch. It should be fashionable to not be a total asshole.

I did. That's...the definition I used in my original post. "A pattern of behaviors used to hold and maintain power and control over an intimate partner." It's a pared down definition from a much longer one developed out of the Oregon Council on Domestic and Sexual Violence (also often used by the CDC as well,

I remain super jealous of people who can change their look THAT much. I always look like me :)

Especially because having sex with siblings or having crushes on siblings, at least, isn't that rare.