
Sigh. It’s a bad day for democracy when he’s the best of the Republican front-runners. And yet, between him, Cruz, and Trump he probably would be my choice. Yuck.

I got mine in my mid-20s, because I was pretty sure I didn’t have HPV yet and so it was still worth doing. I think the reason they don’t give it earlier is exactly because they assume you either already have it or may be settled down out of your wild years by then.

Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty, thiiiiiiiirrrrsstttyyyyyy. So very thirsty.

Yeah. Everything is always ‘the best ever,’ ‘amazing,’ etc. And the overdone laughter. I just can’t.

Yeah, that’s my problem with him too. I’ll watch his opener sometimes, but his interviews make me uncomfortable.

I liked my childhood freckles. They were all distinct from each other and I always felt like a beach babe (even at age 10) when they showed up. Now they have just merged into splotches that appear when I get too much sun.

Nothing wrong with women who want to feel sexy. I mean, I’m a bookish office worker but if I was offered a spot in the magazine I’d be very flattered. As a woman, I don’t want anyone to think my looks or body are everything, but I also do enjoy feeling sexy and attractive at times. Those two things can certainly

Well, technically, in that case it would be better to out him AFTER the nomination, since all the other Republican nominees are just as bad. And on the moral level, I don’t think there’s anything wrong at all with being gay and I think people deserve their privacy. But I DO think there’s something wrong with being a

And maybe make them less...leaky. IDK. Maybe I’m a freak but every time I use a tampon I need to use a pad along with it. In fact, that is what I do on heavy days when I need to be able to go more than an hour without ducking into a bathroom. The joys of womanhood. Ugh.

The son is much older. I think he’s in his 30s or 40s already. That is the reason for the specification, not because she’s female.

No, the commenters themselves, including you. If people that dismissive and rude are supporting him, it says something about the whole movement.

If you live in NYC I like this store:

I’m still undecided, but this almost wants to make me vote for Hillary.

Ok, TMI but for a MILD yeast infection (bc prescription drugs are the way to go for anything serious) a single clove of garlic, peeled, can be inserted in there and it really does help. It’ll fall out if you’re walking around, so this works better when lounging at home. I swear it works better than over the counter

Er, my only addition to this conversation is that when Ben was 19 Rey was not 5, she was 8. So the timeline on your theory doesn’t really match up. But perhaps parts of your theory work. Rey could be Luke’s daughter, Ben found out she existed and started a dark side jealousy-fueled descent, Luke sent her to safety at

Just explaining the verdict. The jury ruled that the initial bullets were justified, but the second round wasn’t. I haven’t looked into the case enough to know if I agree or disagree.

Yeah, I think he’s a troll. His intentionally dim and aggressive responses were the tip off. I made the mistake of answering him as well, but when you read the progression of his responses, it’s clear he gets some weird thrill out of fighting with strangers on the internet. Sad.

You were upset about how this woman viewed you and think it needs to change because it’s unfair. Women are actually physically afraid, and are often even physically or verbally attacked, through interactions that start similar to yours. We can’t all just be skipping around pretending we’re not scared when we are. We

I think (and I’m a little confused too, so I may be wrong) that the first, justified bullets killed him, so it’s not murder. But the second round of unjustified bullets COULD have killed him so it’s attempted murder. Maybe?

The full article. It says she didn’t pass the math and some other portion, but did pass the english. She would have needed to pass all 3 to get a diploma.