
Just try to remember - she’s not up for election again until 2020 and it’s so easy for stuff like this to fade. Or write to your senators/reps about getting her removed from office, that’s the only way to do it before then.

The so-called guardian they have was appointed by the court, and based on watching the hearing (live streamed) is the furthest thing from neutral there is. I feel like the mom must have personally turned him down for a date or killed his dog or something for him to have this much hate for her.

I don’t know. My mom HATED my dad after their divorce and can’t stop shit talking him now, even a decade later. That never stopped me from having a great relationship with him, and my younger siblings have decent relationships with him as well (there are several of us, so how close we each are to each parent varies).

There are two petitions, one with way more signatures than the other:

Me too. I’ve been reading all about it over the past two days and I keep getting more and more indignant and angry over this judge’s abuse of power. There is a petition to remove her from office (…) and another ‘We the People’ petition for the same, though that one doesn’t have

Yeah, but they live streamed the hearing and that advocate was practically foaming at the mouth against the mother. He clearly hates her - I don’t see how he can be seen as neutral or impartial. It just seems like they are reaching so far beyond what their actual legal powers should be that it is horrifying.

There is also the fact that the guardian that SHE assigned to the kids is strongly recommending that the kids not go back to the mom. He seems strongly biased against her. I watched the live stream of the hearing and was frankly shocked at how biased both the judge and the guardian seemed against the mother, far past

Did you watch the hearing today? She was so obviously biased and skewed towards the (absent) father it was disgusting. And it seems like she is way overstepping her authority. Isn’t there any mechanism to keep her in check or change judges? Because this seems like a huge flaw in the system, that one corrupt judge

If they are blood relatives they are not step siblings, they are half siblings. “Step” clearly implies a non-blood relationship. And if they are of similar age and met as adults or late-teens, I don’t see anything skeevy or morally reprehensible at all. The grossness of a 40-year-old and a 17-year-old is due to a

Pleasedon’tjumptheshark, pleasedon’tjumptheshark, pleasedon’tjumptheshark...this show is so good, but the more complex it gets the more worried I am.

Yeah, exactly. I used to want to be tall so bad, but at 5’1.5 I’ve had to resign myself to being short. I also generally prefer tall guys, but I think many of them consider me too short.

Nope. Just 25%. Her daughter would be 50% her genes, and her daughter’s child would only be half of that, since she’ll still have to find a sperm donor to contribute the other half.

I just think this conversation is a perfect example of what we’re saying though. We don’t know what she weights. She could be 125. She could be 145. We all carry weight differently and two women the same height and size could see vastly different numbers on the scale. I’m a similar height and not all that much smaller

Though I will say I took a look at this gallery (our conversation made me curious) and I do still kind of believe she could be 125/130. She has curvier hips than me but a smaller waist, and looking at some of the other women on the gallery that are 5’3 and about 125, they don’t look that far off.

Lol you’re probably right. She has a lot more muscle tone than me. I just think of her as smaller because her stomach is flatter and she is much more toned.

Eh, IDK. I’m a size 2 and a DD (ok, I know I sound fake now but that is b/c I have spindly arms and legs) and weigh under 120. At 5’2. No muscle mass at all though, which is bad and I’m trying to work on. A little. I hate exercise. I think everyone just has a different build and the same height/weight can look totally

Likewise. I thought it looked like a fairly run down backyard, and the kids were dressed in pretty casual clothing (and barefoot to boot). That people saw signs of wealth and privilege in this picture surprised me.

I think ScarJo is like 5’2 so she might be about 120. She’s my height and I weigh slightly less than that but with a different frame. But she probably has more muscle mass. So IDK. She could weigh anywhere from 115 to 130 depending on bone density/muscle/etc.

Oh, totally. I feel the same. I was a very healthy 105 all through college and I miss it. Never dieted, never exercised much, just my build. Then my metabolism hit a wall and now, while still small, I’m dealing with extra weight I never had before. I’m short! I really do get defensive about it. I’m not trying to crash

I feel like I’m the opposite of this. I’m about 118, which seems really small, but I’m 5’2 and carry my weight all around my midsection and feel like I look heavier than I am (I mean, I think I look ok regardless). I want to lose another 5 pounds or so, but I don’t want to deal with people’s judgement about it,