
Oh dear god.

I don’t understand why school lunches aren’t cheaper/healthier anyway. For a period of time I went to an expensive private school (most of my life I went public) and they served rice, beans, a protein that varied daily, and some bread to us. Super, super cheap, and yet healthy. Exciting? No, but it was fine and hot

I kind of got that impression a little too, since garters and church are the only things he really mentions picturing and they got shot down. It felt more like Lauren trying to almost convince Joe that he wanted the same things as her, without really giving way on anything that differed. No offense intended though,

Ugh I thought it was just me. I literally sleep on the coach (crappy Ikea, cheaper than my mattress) on a towel the first couple days of my period. And still get up a couple times each night to do damage control.

Good for you. I’m dealing with a family member who is a hardcore addict and it is exhausting and depressing and not fun at all. Fuck drugs.

Is this a common thing? Ugh. I mean, even if they hadn’t fired these particular employees for the weed use, they could have fired them for stealing too. They were selling the company’s property, not their own, so any form of payment other than cash that went to the company was stealing. Not sure why this whole story

Agreed. Everyone who says you can drive high can suck it. I tried some legal weed when visiting Washington (I don’t normally use it) and I felt way more messed up than when I drink. And even if I had only felt mildly high, if you’re feeling ANYTHING stay away from the driver’s seat of a car. I hope the driver gets in

Well yeah but there are extremes in every group. But just like I wish Republicans would slap the tea party down, I want to make a point of saying that this extreme form of feminism does not represent me or most feminists I know. Because it’s too easy for that kind of feminist to become the default that people think

It’s awful. It’s like a real life parody of what Republicans think feminists are, which is never what I thought a feminist was. It is embarrassing and harmful to the whole cause. I mean, I know trigger warnings are a real thing and some people seriously do have PTSD but on the other hand, for the most part, I really

I just don’t get the whole, we can end war in a generation thing . How, by making all your enemies infertile? Or slowly crazy? It just seems like that would piss everyone off. Not a super efficient weapon. And if making all enemies infertile really is their goal, that’s not really “ending war” so much as “genocide.”

Yeah. Some of those kids I can totally buy as being reformed, but she was old enough to know better and did this multiple times. Seems to me she might not kill anyone again bc she wants to stay out of prison, not because she isn’t morally willing to.

Do you know Matraca Berg? She’s the writer who wrote hits like Strawberry Wine (among many others) and she also has released a couple albums of her own. Though I don’t listen to a ton of country, she is definitely one of my go-to artists. Martina McBride is another.

Oh, I just thought you meant both. And I was petitioning for clemency for the proposee.

What if the friend didn’t know her boyfriend was going to do this? I would HATE to be the proposee in this situation too, because at that point even if you know how totally rude it is you’re kind of stuck saying either yes or no. You are in the middle of a scene of someone else’s devising but unless you are literally

Yeah. I wasn’t invited to my dad’s wedding either (in my twenties). Or rather, I was, but he told me a few days before it was happening ON ANOTHER CONTINENT, in case I wanted to drop by. Not a serious invite. I was offended. I’m close to my dad but he is beyond clueless about this stuff.

Exactly. If she had spent 8 months planning, it would have been too close to her sister’s wedding. If she had spent too much money it would have taken away too much from what her parents were giving her sister (theoretically, not all parents pay for weddings). If she had even announced her engagement in that time

I certainly think so! I’m amazed that so many people think that two people from the same family or close friends should never be simultaneously engaged or get married within months of each other. What if you’re from a big family? You have to get on the waiting list to start your married life? It seems crazy to me.

Eh, I don’t really see anything wrong with this. Her sister got engaged, but we don’t know for sure that’s why she got married as quickly as she did. She might have been ready to get married, and did it quickly for a variety of reasons. Or she might have gotten married quickly to actually keep from stepping on her

No, don’t tell me these things. I love their clothing. What am I supposed to wear now?

A lot of people are upset by this campaign, but I think there may be a different way of looking at it. The most infuriating (well, one of the most infuriating) things about the whole Duggar situation is all the defenders saying how normal his behavior is. Likewise, there are definitely guys out there who think date