
Oh, see, I think great apes (the non-human ones) are really fascinating looking and not ugly at all. The sameness-yet-difference forges some kind of connection. And I am super curious as to what our distant ancestors really did look like, since all we have is speculation.

What? I have never heard that disabled people aren't allowed bank accounts. That would be gross discrimination.

What do her kids have to do with that? And frankly, even if she is reprehensible with reprehensible opinions (which I don't know, since I haven't read her stuff), threatening to KILL her for hypothetically thinking this racist guy was justified still isn't ok. SHE didn't kill anyone. SHE didn't do anything except

Um, if that were the case, would it be somehow wrong for her not to want her children to be threatened? Is this a weird little quirk of hers, not wanting her kids to deal with death threats? Jesus. I haven't been following, so I don't know what she's been saying, but nothing she could say or suggest would make it ok

Where is that from?

Which is why she said "I think the pill is great for those who don't have many sustained side-affects."

This is why I need to be recruited by the CIA, taught cool spy skills, and then be downsized out before I have to do anything distasteful. That, or get a bad-ass (but ethical!) boyfriend or friend who can teach me this stuff.

Awww, boo. Lol. My lock's are all luckily fine, it just seems like a very cool superhero type skill to have. But I respect (grudgingly) your lawfulness. Though it won't stop me from periodically googling it. And I bet it is harder, happily - it would actually be pretty terrifying if anyone could get in and out of

Probably. I mean, my house might get raided immediately afterwards. But I'd have the skills to break out of prison and escape by that point, so win/win really.

The notion of escaping from well-armed captors suddenly felt like absurd posturing, as if a group of Tom Clancy-reading 15 year-olds had rented a room in the local La Quinta only to watch action films over cans of sugared energy drinks and talk about how scary it is to visit Detroit.

I have one month and 27 days before I expire. Dammit! I guess it's time to hit OK Cupid.

Team cat people are kind of proud of that. And I mean, lions are CUTE. They're just also terrifying. Why limit ourselves to one or the other?

The anxiety, sure. The entitlement that led him to believe he has a right to sue over the fact that he was held to the same grading standard as everyone else, no. If a woman in an engineering class decided to skip the whole semester, then fail, then sue over the fact that she was uncomfortable in a room full of guys,

Er, what is confusing about this? She is saying she still eats "treats" i.e. she's not fanatic about calorie counting, despite being thin. While it's possible that someone can eat a banana split once a week and then starve the rest of the week, in the context of her comment that isn't what she is saying. Unless

I'm not the one being a jerk. When Sandy hit, everyone both north and south did their best to help. Now that snow is hitting down south, people up north are pointing and laughing. No one is saying Sandy wasn't serious. But, for southerners who literally are sheltering in schools, who are stuck on highways, whose cars

Ok, look at it this way. I'm from Florida originally but live in NY now. Last year's hurricane Sandy, which I believe was a Category 1 when it made landfall here, did a HUGE amount of damage and freaked people the fuck out completely. Which I was SHOCKED by because in Florida people barely blink at a Category 1. It's

Ugh, he sounds like the worse. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. We may disagree on the password thing, but he was clearly a huge jerk and I'm glad you found him out.

I have never cheated and can't imagine ever cheating. But I would never tolerate this. I dated a guy for 6 years and never gave him my fb/email passwords and never would, despite trusting him implicitly. Nor, despite an incident early on in our relationship, did I ever monitor him or demand passwords from him.

Saying that the only reason she has him on her record is for "street cred" and not because, I don't know, she respects and enjoys his music comes across that way. She's a musician. She, as a professional musician, probably socializes with a lot of other musicians from a lot of other genres and appreciates diverse

You sound really racist right now. I'm assuming that's not your intention, but it's coming across that way.