
“died by suicide” has to be one of the sloppiest phrases I’ve heard in awhile. You commit suicide or you kill yourself. Suicide is a motive, not a method.

I just read through the comments section of the Tacoma Stories link and someone fairly close to the situation said that her father had threatened to put her up for adoption. If this is true, coupled with the hair cutting off incident, it paints a picture of an abuser who should be in jail.

Chopping off her hair. What kind of fucking medieval punishment is this? That’s what they did to women who slept with Germans during the French occupation. Getting drunk or whatever doesn’t warrant this hateful treatment. This is horrid.

If she was being bullied at school, it makes it so much worse that her own father would do this to her. Did it never occur to him that those same bullies would see this and use it against her? WTF!

I just sent the following email to my senators (OH - Brown/Portman), if it gets sent back to the house, I plan on sending it again to my house rep. If anyone is concerned, feel free to use it as a template or jumping off point for your own correspondence.

Look, if it’s good enough for Ariana Grande, it’s good enough for Joe Biden.

...had an affair with her 13-year-old student .

Not only did the campaign show that the CEO and such were completely out of touch as to the complexities of the question of race relations, but it also demonstrates that they seem to be wholly unaware that their coffee shops have lines of people trying to get their caffeine fix before work and on their breaks. Even if

"No results". I'm INVISIBLE! o_o

Then it's settled. I'll never return to my birth state.

Simple. Don't go over 80 in Virginia. No matter what.

I will just never visit that state, no matter what.

How about this - Virginia just never, ever gets my vacation dollars. How's that?

VA sucks so hard.

PA? Keep in mind that you are leaving the only state that doesn't allow local cops to use radar. We Pennsylvanians may be a bit too spoiled by that small mercy in life.

Not a lawyer and I try not to speed. I do have one question that I was thinking about today because of my proximity to VA and the Werth story. Does this fall under cruel and unusual punishment? The penalty is supposed to fit the crime but is speeding the same as a DUI? Maybe, but I don't believe it's the same as say

As someone who is planning a trip from PA to NC next week; thank you.

If you ask me, she just made an ass of herself. Her parents must be so proud...

She looks absolutely traumatized. $500K? LOL whatever.