
I don’t know. I wonder how many teaspoons are in a Tablespoon. Is it 3?

It’s 100% bad parenting that causes disparity of outcome in education.

Yellowface because it was supposed to be a japanese brain under the robot body? What??

OK Millennial

No, you are right. Soccer purists who make the argument that their football involves more kicking are missing the point.

The article needs empathy and compassion to consider when people are unable to provide empathy and compassion to their friends?

Yeah, Kaputt is better than pretty much every album on this list.

That joke really Landini’d. Kubota to you.

There is one gateway drug. That drug is alcohol.

Virtually no one suggests Semenya has acted in bad faith. She’s a puzzle for women’s sports.

And to think I didn’t think Mo’Nique was especially funny.


People didn’t like the word ‘foreign’ as that connotes otherness.

2010. District 9 was a joint US, NZ, and SA movie filmed in SA with a SA cast, writer and director.

What do you mean? English is spoken in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, England, Canada and many other places.

District 9 was nominated for Best Picture.

I don’t know.

No English language movie can enter that one category. That includes American, Canadian, Australian, British, Irish, Scottish, and South African films.

That thing you just wrote makes no sense. None.

You’re right. I’m lying about being tall.