“Real stoners” don’t have roommates or kids?
“Real stoners” don’t have roommates or kids?
But that’s hard to do stylishly.
This is hardly unprecedented. Burger King released three Xbox 360 advergames. Sneak King, Pocket Bike Racer, and Big Bumping.
It’s almost as if something bad that happened to him isn’t the most important fact about his life. Would you want the worst thing that happened to you to be brought up every time anyone said anything about you? I wouldn’t.
We have a pyramid. But it’s for players, not teams. Baseball has clearly defined levels. But the players get promoted and relegated, not the teams. In a nation the size of the US and spread out as much as we are, this is good.
Painters don’t typically curate art museums. It’s a different skill set. I’m not sure why you’d have a musician curate a music exhibit. You want an outside entity free from conflict and personal relationships.
Putting the victim on trial is the playbook for every case. That’s what the defense does. They take their client’s side and make the other side look like it was their own fault and say they are lying about their injuries and whatnot. That’s literally every case ever.
Tobacco got it’s own federal agency (ATF). Because it’s not a drug (so no FDA). And it’s not a food (so no USDA). Because drugs and food can’t be sold if they cause fucking cancer.
I wish Kotaku would cover the Switch occasionally. It’s Xbox this and Playstation that. Don’t forget about Nintendo!
God yes. We were told the internet would allow everyone to access everything. And they can. But they don’t. Everyone congregates with like minded idiots to pat each other on the back and tell each other how smart they all are.
I don’t really understand Switch coverage. This game came out on Windows, MacOS, Linux and PS4 in 2015. Then it got an Xbox One release a bit later in 2016. In March of this year it was released on iOS and Android.
Panama going to the World Cup over the USA was bad. But so was Iceland over Italy and the Netherlands. Chile didn’t make it either and they are ranked currently as the 12th best in the world (US is 22nd, Italy is 21st and Ntherlands is 17th). Shit happens.
It was too bad things fell apart in Seattle. Apparently there was a rift in the locker room stemming from the fact that many players (primarily on the defense) felt that Marshawn Lynch wasn’t black enough.
I’m not sure what the debate is here. She fucked up. She killed her neighbor by mistake. No one is saying this was anything other than a horrible accident. It’s sad. It’s terrible. She’s going to jail for sure. It’s as clear a case of manslaughter as you can find.
Um, all rock is dad rock. Kids don’t listen to rock music.
But that wasn’t a mass shooting. It was a gunfight that erupted in a crowded, enclosed space.
This is dumb, but not unique to soccer or the US. Japanese Baseball teams have some names that are complete rip-offs of American teams (Tigers and Giants) and some that are original: (Swallows, Dragons, Baystars etc.)
I’m proud of my city.