If it’s wireless, it uses batteries. Full stop.
If it’s wireless, it uses batteries. Full stop.
I’m not sympathizing with anyone.
Wow! Really! Are you sure?
Why does the Root write stories about random people being racist towards black people? Answer: for clicks!
There is no correct answer. It just depends on your definition of sandwich. But under the holding of the only legal case to decide this question, a hot dog is not a sandwich.
Consider all forms of money like a share of stock in a company. A dollar is a tiny share of the US. If the US falls, the dollar is worthless. See currencies of fallen states. Or Confederate dollars.
The answer to that is no. And anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.
Oh, yew.
There was a website that got shut down. I won’t even mention it’s name - it had a horribly racist name.
I can’t imagine anything more selfish than purchasing a me sized piece of land that no one can ever use for any purpose. Ever. I get it, for perhaps 20 years after my death, people may want a place to visit. What about 100 years later? 500 years? So fucking dumb.
What if I think graveyards are dumb and should all be abolished and have their lands repurposed for something useful?
So men want someone young and women want someone rich.
If you take property from a person who is there by force or threat of force, it’s robbery. Pick pocket is theft. Purse snatch is robbery. Since the store saw them do it and he did whatever he did, they are charging him with robbery. That sucks for him if they can prove it.
Well, he’s cheating them out whatever the price of a soda is.
That’s either really cold, or it’s a hot take. I can’t tell. Honestly, I’m think just more used to Fahrenheit.
THIS. 100% THIS.
I feel the opposite way. As a parent I went along with the Santa myth. It’s a good first step for a child to develop their own critical thinking skills. I mean, it makes no sense if you think about it at all. In the movie Elf, Santa’s sleigh can’t fly because people don’t believe in him. Why would adults not believe…
Nice back pedal.
LOL. I was in a part of Russia that doesn’t have solid internet access.