Actually, it was you that said that.
Actually, it was you that said that.
Actually, it was you that said that.
Just like every country. Every extant group of people, every extant race, tribe, ethnicity, etc, did it by crushing the competition. We were all steamrolled. We were all assimilated. It’s no accident the whole world speaks about 8 languages. It used to be we don’t even know how many. Some of us were just…
But that’s not the argument. I am embarrassed for you. The argument isn’t Alex Jones or his accuracy. Alex Jones also thinks the world is round. He’s not wrong about that either. It’s whether Venezuela is or is not the socialist paradise you want it to be
Well argued. [hattip.gif]
Stopped clocks are right twice a day. Are you saying he’s wrong?
Bobby Berk (from Netflix’s Queer Eye) should totally buy that.
The left has never failed?!?????????!!!??
Great story. You should do a story like this everytime a game doesn’t sell well.
Individual companies do not a system make.
“System” implies laws.
Google ‘Liberals vs. The Left.’
“...and never will.”
I don’t know what hashtag anything actually is. Honestly, I don’t care to.
Pro resistance in the sense that it mocks extreme resistance attitudes that otherwise work to discredit the larger aims of your hashtag advocacy? Sure.
I think it’s a piss take on people like you. Pretty obviously, in fact. As much as PatriotHole is a piss take on conservatives.
You’re wrong. The joke is the artist taking something rather pure, which is a juxtaposition between seeing two world leaders who should be wary and untrusting of each other and show them kissing (which is perhaps the ultimate depiction of trust) with a completely unnecessary clarification about their sexuality. The…
Except there is nothing in the video indicating who is in the submissive role. They are sexual equals. No one is a top or a bottom that I can see. they are fond of each other and are seen kissing. That’s it.
No, not in the same way at all.