"The best explanation I've heard for the blue flag I've ever heard is "there's a race going on and you're not in it.""
"The best explanation I've heard for the blue flag I've ever heard is "there's a race going on and you're not in it.""
How do you even need a blue flag at an oval? You're constantly in traffic with faster cars so they should just paint one on the wall and be done with it.
Invest in a bunch of the replacement lenses then - I have every team I work with keep some for me for my drivers/cars (the drivers buy their own if there are any arguments). I also give them a ration of crap if it is dirty (after the inevitable "That's your job! You're the engineer/data/driver coach guy! It's the data…
It is a source of constant ire to me that people forget to clean their camera lens before every single session. It's as important as clearing the logger memory, people! Wipe it while you're downloading!
You're right. The colour scheme (and terrible picture) was confusing me...
It's not hard to tell at all. The Audi skipped the inside kerb and hit the Bentley twice with Audi front wheel to Bentley rear wheel. It's pretty blatant. That is not a non-induced slide.
Spectacular, but also pretty unsporting on behalf of the Audi. There was no space there at all for that move, and he clipped the inside kerb trying for it and bounced into the Bentley, which caused it to slide. he didn't get 'oversteer' he got 'twatted into a slide'.
Spectacular, but also pretty unsporting on behalf of the Audi. There was no space there at all for that move, and he clipped the inside kerb trying for it and bounced into the Bentley, which caused it to slide. he didn't get 'oversteer' he got 'twatted into a slide'.
I'm surprised that someone who can't even spell Pigeon correctly could actually put a video together without stabbing themselves in the eye with a USB stick or something.
Anyone that has not driven a Mk 2 Escort needs to do so. Totally awesome fun. If I ever get my land in the forest/hills (dream/lottery/yeahright plan) then the first thing I will be doing is clearing a rally stage and shipping a M2 Escort over so I can spank it through the undergrowth and pretend to be awesome.
For the same reason the first thing a lot of drivers do with their visor on their helmet is block out the top half of it with a sticker/graphic. Because if you need to look up that much in a race car you're clearly having an accident of such horrific magnitude that maybe it's best if you *don't* look....
Looks more likely they are dropping the driveshafts from the way the packaging and size of the shrouds go. We know they're using step gears, but do we have proof they're going up? I guess there could be step gears both ends, but that seems horribly inefficient.
People always try and pull away like a normal car in a race car, when it's pretty much the opposite.in a road car, sliding the clutch against a bunch of revs makes you look a tit. In a race car, it's the only way to pull away gently. Lots of revs and get the speed up so you can release the clutch as soon as you are…
Canadians scare her because of a bad experience she had with a bottle of Maple Syrup on vacation as a child.
Considering how little money latex tubing costs, why do these teams not have them on the belts like the pros do?
Conor is, in fact, driving down with Hinch right now:
"There are a ton of drivers who do this, for what it's worth"
Interesting - I'm sure if this wasn't a domestic model there'd be uproar and the usual utter drivel about 'unintended acceleration'. The brake lights didn't come on at all until the car was almost completely out of the car wash.
Yeesh, that's ugly. The sharp edges and curves just do not gell for me one little bit and the proportions seem.... off. Like it's too long for its height or too low for its length. One or the other. The pass through rear buttresses* are also pretty horrible and just look like a waste of space/concept car unrealism to…
This may well be one of those extra bits of info that suggests that modern jet crashes do not produce recoverable black boxes in water crashes with enough repeatability. I know they are talking about mandating a greater than 30 day ping trigger since the Malaysian crash a while ago, but perhaps they also need to…