
I always forget that Jennifer Lawrence is dating some guy named Cooke Maroney.

This is the same kind of comment you're criticizing. No one cares about who hit on you or what weird terms you want to insult your "friends" bodies with. Don't know why you think this is a better comment than OP's.

Maybe Tom and Rita got the wrong baby at the hospital. Perhaps a DNA test is in order. 

Ross was a terrible, awful person, friend, and boyfriend. His controlling, insecure attitude was disguised as “cute.”

I don’t care how often celebrities bathe since I’m never likely to be in their sniff radii, but I’m crushed that Christina Applegate, who is very funny and who by all accounts seems like a lovely, charitable and all-around quality human, has yet more medical shit to deal with.

Just as they decide to volunteer that information unprompted, people are free to willingly mock them for it, specially POC who have been called dirty before just because of their skin tone, it's like when DJ Khaled said he doesn't go down on his wife but expects blowjobs, well, you open yourself to mokery.

Just before I read your comment, I was thinking that Dirt Bag should just be renamed Real Housewives roundup.  

Damon already knew it was unacceptable to use that word. That’s why you’ve never heard stories about him dropping it casually on set or around his coworkers (other than when it’s written for him to say in a script). If this were really just a part of his vocabulary he grew up with that was just really difficult to

Imagine reaching the Year Of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty One without figuring out on your own that homophobic slurs are not good.

he really should have kept that one too himself. was he expecting a gold star? that’s so embarrassing. if you think about it, his daughter has probably told him to stop using that word and why it’s bad to use that word over years and years. that whole time he was walking around the house saying the f word laughing. it

Those societies were created by emissaries from Egypt - Black folk - so it would stand to reason that bathing would be a cultural touchpoint. And you’re correct - the Christians associated bathing with bath houses and lewd/sexual behavior that used to happen there with the Greeks and Romans. Therefore they equated

I think not bathing was a Christian thing. For centuries the Greeks and Romans were big on daily bathing. Wherever the Romans conquered they built bath houses, public toilets, and aqueducts. In comes Christianity, and the bath house becomes a place of immorality and immodesty. Bath houses go into ruin, new ones aren’t

And yet they’ll claim they brought civilization and salvation to the Americas.

I knew I would find ppl more my speed on The Root’s discussion of this caucasian nonsense. AV Club was a lot of folks who don’t bathe daily, don’t use washcloths, probably don’t wash their legs, and have elaborate excuses why they don’t. Actively (but politely) argue that they don’t need to.

So I’m Central American, Salvadoran specifically, and we are a daily shower people. Some, like my uncles that work construction are two shower people one before work, one after. I got the bucket bath (so I wouldn’t waste water) with a rough wash cloth as a little kid, by grandma, on the daily too.

Ashton said he works out. He splashes his face after a workout and then just goes about his day. Does he not sweat? I sweat WAY too much for that. I regularly hang up my sweaty workout clothes to dry before I put them in the hamper because I’m afraid they’ll mildew.

The only celebrity news I’ve cared about recently is that Bob Odenkirk is still with us.

yes this what happens when you belong to a religion that’s misogynistic to it’s core.  There’s literally no way to win. 

Hereditary is a very well made film technically which I never want to see again nor anything else ever by this director. So maybe a bit *too* effective in my case.

Yep—and quite frankly, if I was a famous person, I’d say neutral things in public about almost everything that mattered to me, with the exception of, oh, issues that are matters of legitimate public opinion.