
I’m trying to understand what we’re going for with this take on Damon’s take on the relationship.

It’s kind of awkward, especially when we’re all socially programmed to address people by names/sir/miss, but could you just say “excuse me, the dressing room is closed” or “sorry, we’re closing in 15 min,” or “hey there, you dropped your bag” and go without the sir/miss/person altogether?

“She/they” indicates that the person uses either. Halsey has indicated that they want the press to use both pronouns.

This fucking sucks! It is not hard to respect wishes with regards to pronouns, especially when the article itself notes those wishes!

You dolts only have one joke. 

It is not uncommon for people who are gender fluid, where different situations and context can sway a person toward more feminine or more masculine. It might be less common for the switching to happen within a single conversations. But if you’re writing a longform article that begins with the person discussing this

Yes, but you would think that after making special note of their pronouns, an in-depth long-form article could at least sprinkle a couple of “theys” or “thems” in there somewhere. I think that’s what she was going for.

She’s being piled on for going from “Im lucky enough to be held accountable for my actions to im caaaaaaaaaancelleddddddd, cancel culture is reeeeeeeal.”

Literally all you have to do is google “Donald Trump” and “Central Park Five” together. He took out full page ads in the newspaper calling to bring back the death penalty as a direct response to what happened.

Surely they were talking about Donald Trump. John Legend was probably around 10 years old at the time of the Central Park 5 incident.

I think folks are definitely enjoying piling on her, BUT it really doesn’t feel like she’s truly reflected on what she did and given a sincere apology. More like “ok, fine, I’m sorry! Is that good enough for everyone, can I resume my privileged life already, gawd!!!”

Her boyfriend is Turkish. Ender is a fairly common name in Turkey. No snark required here.

It would be merely watchable without Robin. Even if he isn't the main character, he is the beating heart of the film, and every time I watch it, I am equally sad that he can't still be here breathing life into more films and grateful for the ones he left behind. 

is the himbo series over

This. I consider Robin Williams the main character....but seriously, why the hate for GWH? I get the Affleck brothers being a shitty historical attachment but it’s a decent flick.

I mean, typically yes. But I’m not going to shit on a person for having a positive birthing experience.

She’s also missing out on some of Robin Williams’ most riveting work.

Kitchenette goes, Pissing Contest goes, but Dirt Bag is apparently not going anywhere.

This feels more like TMZ than I’d like to see here, if I’m being honest.

Right - its someone claiming they are being abused, monetarily drained, and legally controlled by their family due to a disability and the article reads like a Jan and Marsha fight...