
But that’s the problem with conservatorships: they’re self-reinforcing.

It was a surprise “tribute” and she likely would have wanted to sing her own songs. Imagine being told you can only do the thing you love when someone else tells you to and they control final decisions in how you do it. Then to have a family member, who is aware of all this, participate in a “tribute” to you regarding

I am a big, big fan of doing whatever the hell you want with your hair. And I miss long hair on men (my husband had a ponytail almost to the small of his back when I met him—it was the early nineties and it was beautiful). At some point in the early 2000s, I looked around a classroom of eighteen-year-olds and realized

From the survey of men who grew their hair out in the pandemic here:

She did reach out via DM to tell Courtney Stodden to kill themselves. I think that’s where she surpassed Jimmy Fallon, etc.-by making it personal and not just using it to play to the crowd.

She’s not really cancelled. She is facing some consequences for her actions. It is temporary. She can come back from it, if she behaves intelligently during her exile. 

Being an asshole is not a disability or a mental illness. Enough with the excuses.

I love the way every one rushes to help!!    The total indifference is inspiring.

Training can’t fix the institutional problem of racism and authoritarian cops who don’t give a damned what the law actually is. Do you think these cops lacked the training to know that they in fact have jurisdiction in a shopping mall?  Do you think if the situation would have been reversed that they would have

A mature adult would apologize for being rude and not try to assault someone, call security and lie while playing the victim.  Recording this woman was the responsible thing to do. Who knows how many times she has done this in the past to get other people harassed by security/the police.  Stop making excuses for this


Pro-bullying’ is kind of a weird position to take, yo.

Now playing

You need to add the 2nd part of the Youtube! It’s the most crazy part!

As someone who has suffered from panic attacks and would be absolutely mortified if one was recorded… fuck you, lady. I don’t go around chasing people. And why would footage of a panic attack cause someone to lose their job or apartment? That’s what the racism does.

Try the white woman who lay across my toddler in the cart to get cigarettes instead of asking me excuse her so she could get them from the side of the checkout.  Obviously this was years ago. I said something to her and she walked off without saying anything. Then this bitch had the nerve to come back and try it

What kind of basketball do you watch? I've never seen anything like this on an NBA/WNBA/NCAA/AAU court. This was just white woman theatrics that in the past often got black people arrested or killed. Also the Root is definitely not the place that to you to ignore skin color.  They told you to stop being racist and

You leave your house thinking you’re just going to pick up a cute lil pair of free draws and Bam! Crazy white woman is on one. It wasn’t even quality faking. This whole scenario is a study on systemic racism acted out on the individual level. This is the shit that burned Tulsa, Rosewood, etc.; the egregious lying that

It’s exhausting. I’m a feminist and Africana Womanist with more emphasis on the latter. I get that there are White women who are decent, have integrity and stand in solidarity with us, but today’s not the day I cheer on that negligible percentage. Given the choice to defend what is right, the other White chick chose

I heard that she got worms from riding the tractor in her bathing suit.  

When you realize your fuck up is forever. 

She pulls out every play in the fragile white girl handbook on this one. Racist freak out? Check. ‘Emotional Breakdown’ as soon as she realizes she’s being filmed? Check. That doesn’t work so she pretends to pass out? Check. That doesn’t work so she lashes out violently again? Check. Cops show up and she turns on the