
Elektra kicks Matt’s ass in the show, and he is vulnerable due to his love for her. So I’m doubtful that these are the reasons? In fact, he gives some of his reasons in the article you’re commenting on!

Kinda weird that you’d jump to that when the Daredevil movie is pretty much universally derided.

She was severely overmedicated and cut off from managing her own social media for many years thanks to Jamie. She’s basically getting to be the teenager she was never allowed to be, and an adjusted medication regimen takes some time to settle. 

I think he’s much more self aware than that, but I can imagine if that were real.

Pete: Okay.
Kim: Pete, where are you going? Come back here.

At what point do Kanye’s antics go from mania and a mental health collapse into DV and chargeable offenses. Because uh, it sure looks like stalking and harassment to me... 

This is classic abusive behavior bordering on criminal. I almost want to see a restraining order against Kanye here because this is NOT OK. It’s bullying, it’s narcissistic and it’s unhinged and we’ve seen how these situations end badly for the women. 

Kanye West is stalking Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson. It is not a far reach to say that at least one of his idot “fans” will take his messages as personal instructions to act violently. She needs to take some legal action.

As someone who has worked and volunteered in a domestic violence shelter for years- I’m getting major DV vibes from everything Kanye is doing right now.  I’m hoping Kim is safe and Ye gets the mental health support he needs.

It is obviously worse to be intentionally antisemetic, but whether or not something is antisemetic is not dependent on intention.

If something has an antisemetic effect it is antisemetic. A person’s motivations do not matter. And no one has said it is “only” antisemetic.

The issue is downplaying the role of racist ideology in atrocities is a tactic of racists. Whether a person purposely downplays it or does so just out of ignorance doesn’t change that it contributes to a climate that denies these ideologies are widespread and deadly. Accidental antisemitism is still antisemitism. 

Her suggestion that the persecution of European Jews wasn’t racial because they are generally white-skinned is a distinction without a difference. The Nazis viewed them as a race and explicitly said so. Even if her point was that religious hatred is different than biological race hatred, I’m not sure why that’s one

I watched it as it happened, and Joy and Anna were both trying to get her to stop and tell her why she was wrong. She railroaded right over them. Then the Stephen Colbert appearance made it so much worse. That was after she had time to process what people were trying to tell her. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a

Yes. The editorial staff choosing to run a story that isn’t the exact thing that you’re concerned about clearly indicates a conspiracy.

Scotland should collectively cast JK Rowling into the sea.

sir this is a Wendy’s

I don’t love that the Phoenix Act is being called ERW’s “pet cause”.

Demi uses they/them pronouns. You can dislike someone without misgendering them.

Sounds like the same kind of fun banter or back-and-forth I’d have with my friends, without anyone being a jerk and everyone in on the joke. Whole lot of nothing being played for minimal chuckles and clicks.

I hear you on the greater point, but I think the key difference is that Kim isn’t asking Pete to cosplay as Kanye.