
J.K. Rowling could be among the most popular, beloved people in the world if she could just avoid caring about (or telling everyone else how much she cares about) policing the particular set of genitalia millions of people currently have and/or were born with. What an odd, and cruel, hill to sacrifice so much of your

As a fellow lifetime Harry Potter fan what I always wanted growing up was to know what the wizarding community/history was like in the United States.

I’ve thought about that part from Bossypants for years. I had to have an emergency therapy session after I read it because I was the abandoned daughter of a bad man, and when someone called me a c*nt in the workplace I fell apart. I’ve carried a lot of shame about being the “other kind” of woman (the one with damage)

That tracks! 

One wouldn’t exist without the other, and when women verbally abuse victims by calling them names (“shameless”, for example) they become cogs in the machine for cover ups. We're beyond the passive woman, just trying to make it in a man's world- when you defend the abuser and abuse the victims, you're an enabler. 

It seems to me that if they’re going to *CHOOSE* to be the gatekeeper by publicly defending the rapist, and shaming his victims during interviews, then those women should be considered enablers. It wasn’t a one-time defense either- she slammed his victims at least 3 different times in 2015, prior to his conviction,

I’m torn on this. I feel for the pain that the LW was going through as a child in a super vulnerable stage. But I think that doing things like calling the employers of our childhood bullies make us feel better because it assumes there’s clear groups: Bullies and Victims. And we the Victims must always warn people

Honestly the people who bullied me probably grew up to have pretty good lives. Those who have privileges when they were young tend to retain them when they’re older. Looking that up wouldn’t do anything for me but also: I don’t need them to be suffering, because I also grew up and no longer live inside my high school

Because you jerk, we probably never even knew what she looked like in the first place. Hello filters, air brush, make up. I think she looks healthy and happy.

It’s not LW’s job to protect those kids from threats that as far as they know don’t exist! Christ, should they walk behind this guy ringing a bell and shouting the word “shame”? Should they look up the address of every gun owner in the school district and hand that info to the school because those people *might* be

Hi! This is what women look like without makeup. 

That type of cruelty is learned and comes from somewhere deep and ingrained. Yes, people can change, but you’re risking the well-being of the children you’re putting under this person’s care.

That’s just rude.

First, justice is not punishment. It’s fair treatment. What is fair and how that gets applied is variable. In this specific case, I don’t think it’s fair to warn a current school admin about an employee’s past behavior because, and this is *super* key to my response, there is NO PROOF of malfeasance. I responded to

This is very good advice. The school district could not possibly do anything with a report like this, and Teenage Cave Artist is best off, legally speaking, not interfering in this man’s relationship with his current employer.

Cool. So you’re a self-righteous sociopath who projects their own trauma onto third parties as a way to justify an unresolved desire for revenge (which you probably call “justice”). And nice appeal to authority figures! How many thieves and rapists are you reporting in any given week?

Are you a teacher? Do you have to deal with reactionary, frequently paranoid school boards?

This is painful and difficult advice, but I don’t see any other way around it. The fact that you were made a victim when you were fourteen is inexcusable. But almost certainly nothing will come from sharing that this teacher bullied you when you were both teens. And I’m not really sure what should come from it in a

“(If this sentence makes sense to you, congratulations, you need a vacation.)

So...if we read the columns you guys are paid to write and remember them, then we suck.

If what you write is a problem, I’m thinking I’m not the one who needs to fix it.

Shhh, don't criticize St. Gates or poke holes in his philanthropy. You'll upset the wealth worshippers.