
Truly cannot believe 15-20 years later, this is still a person I have to acknowledge.  He has been a racist, outing, all around asshole for that entire time with small feints towards “changing” and I hate that I still have to remember he exists every time he does the latest shitty thing.  Fuck this guy, please do not

Because they have a lot of influence over their fans? Back when the polio vaccine was rolled out, many refused to take it until they saw Elvis get the vaccine publicly. 

They just can’t stop being mad that two Black girls have the audacity to be from a well-connected, high profile family and are living their lives.

I believe and don’t feel like double checking. 22,000 people received the vaccination and 4 developed the temporary condition of Bell’s Palsey. They are also uncertain if this was even caused by the vaccination and statically 1 in every 5500 people is nothing. 

It is estimated that between 25 and 35 in 100,000 people in the United States are affected with Bell’s Palsy. Approximately 40,000 individuals are diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy in the United States each year.”

You take any group of clinical trial study participants and X number of unrelated random events will occur—becau

Slut shaming never goes out of style, does it? And if you can direct it at one of the Obama girls, that’s just bonus points. How boring and tiresome and just plain ignorant it all is.

You know, I often wonder why more rich people don’t just buy huge, beautiful compounds and disappear into rich obscurity. I know if I suddenly found myself with infinite money, I probably would buy some island or castle or compound and spend my days doing absurd rich people shit (farming ostriches, painting ostriches,

I’ve been practicing bisexuality for years, but still can’t seem to crack the top 100 bisexualers. It’s okay, though, because bisexualing is less about winning and more about personal accomplishment and raising money for charity.

Goldie and Kurt are not married.  That is how they have stayed together so long. 

Paltrow was the victim; Weinstein was the abuser. There are a great number of reasons why victims of harassment and sexual abuse do not go public, which is why a staggering percentage of such victims never do. Anyhow, however you may feel about Paltrow, don’t lay this particular thing on her. It’s deeply shitty.

Victims shouldn’t be on a time table to come forward about their abuse.  Paltrow was Weinstein’s victim, she’s allowed to come forward when she’s ready.  

Putting aside the Goop stuff, I always thought that Paltrow was a good actress. It seemed strange that she went from Academy-award winner and millennium “it girl” to Iron Man’s girlfriend. Anyhow, she was great in The Royal Tenenbaums, which, gratefully, doesn’t have Weinstein’s stink on it.

Carl Lentz’s cheat scandal is not *slightly* more interesting because famous people attend his church.  That is sole reason it is of any interest.  Non-famous pastors cheat all the time, and no one outside their congregation is likely to care.

What Gwen seems to be referring to, here, is a wedding with masks. Okay. Fair... I guess.

2020 is the year of adjusting brands to fit the climate.

“And then they can’t help themselves,” he added. “At the very end of it they go, ‘So, we don’t let those criminal b*stards get back in office!’ You’re like, ‘No! Don’t say the last part! You lost 50 percent of your audience.’”

She treats her followers like friends? With friends who tweet about ridiculously overpriced handbags in the midst of a pandemic, and then try to justify it by bitching about not getting enough kudos for donating to charity, who needs fucking enemies.

I know you guys enjoy posting about this idiot for the clicks and

Last week, I bought a MacBook Air because my 2012 MacBook Pro had finally met its end and needed multiple accessories to function. Even though I was very excited about having a metallic pink laptop, I kept quiet about it on social media, because no one needs to see me flaunt a luxury purchase. Especially not during

Yet more proof that once someone becomes rich, that is the first pillar of their identity - rich first, everything else second. Maybe it has something to do with the sort of sociopathy and/or self-centeredness that is required to get super rich, but almost without fail when given the option between doing the right

Neither important or crucial. I don’t know if it’s her or her PR team but I’m legitimately impressed with how untouchable she is to some people. It’s her money and she absolutely can do what she likes, just maybe read the room/entire world.