
if royalty doesnt want their public position discussed in public, the simple answer is to give up the throne

Oh, William, if you think someone else is exploiting your family for money, you’d better not check out your family history then!

“He feels that both his parents are being exploited and being presented in a false, simplistic way to make money.”

The whole Book:Chapter:Verse system was the most genius con. Priests can quote random lines out of context and fill in the gaps with their own musings while at the same time making listeners think that it all must be in the bible somewhere, cause he quoted a line, and claims to be an expert.

Christians are the worst when it comes to biblical knowledge. What the heck do they even do in church if it’s not learning about their holy book? I’m guessing it’s just a bunch of singing, casseroles, participating in mass delusion and figuring out who to focus their hatred on to boost their own smug self-esteem.

It’s funny how often “thinking for yourself” means “repeating some video I saw on facebook” and how often “researching” and “asking questions” also means “repeating some video I saw on facebook”. It’s as if some people think that Facebook is not only the best source of knowledge, but the only source.


She herself is liking “Cancel Black Panther 2" and “Recast Shuri” tweets. As far as Im concerned, what she’s doing is incredibly DANGEROUS. Give the mantle to Okoye or Nakia. 

Doesn’t the guy in the video literally say “I don’t understand how vaccines work?” Why would anyone listen to anything he had to say? If I signed up for a calculus class, and when I got there the instructor said “I don’t have a teaching credential, and I don’t know calculus”, would anyone think it was a good idea to

They probably know Lucifer from Tom Ellises hotness. 

Thank you, I came here to say that too. There are people who enabled Cosby who knew exactly what he was doing and turned a blind eye. But friends of his? Even family? I mean, come on. I wish people would think of a man in their life that they trust the most and imagine women coming forward with horrible stories. It

That was a much nicer reply than I would have considered for aec007.

Well, you’ve completely changed my mind with your random anecdotal second- hand testimony, internet stranger. But you’re a little off course. Facebook is that way ---------->

For real. The man she knows is someone who made her uncomfortable but backed off when she pushed back. Just means he has bad judgement sometimes. Doesn’t automatically follow that you then know that he would apply that to drug and take advantage of people who are more vulnerable than yourself.

They went after luciferase just because of the name, they have no qualifications for anything. It’s easy to find out what it is, google can give you answers. They have to stop and do research. That’s just so dumb.

I wish people would stop referring to “the” COVID vaccine since there are dozens in development and several in late stage clinicals and they don’t all “contain” the same active. There are different types of COVID vaccines, and each should be looked at individually. I am all for scrutinizing data - but that should be

She could have shared those “questions” offline in her personal circles. No need to use one’s platform of millions of followers in this way. Celebrities want privacy, but also don’t want to be called out when they do batshit stuff on a public, optional platform.

You know what I would not like to put in my body? COVID-19. Unless there is actual, verifiable, proven negative side effects, I’m getting the vaccine ASAP. “Asking questions” should mean being interested in obtaining factual answers. Not gaslighting bullshit to reinforce your preconceived conspiracy theories.

I’m sure many would wipe his dingleberries for free.

How has George had his Lake Como villa for DECADES and still isn’t familiar enough with the language to converse with three-year-olds? That’s just lazy.