
Right. Show me the receipts. Show the death threats. Being called out for always shitting on Tayler, no matter what she does, isn’t a death threat. It’s calling out sloppy reporting.

I’ve been writing for this site long enough to know that anything created by Taylor Swift not met with effusive praise means I’ll wake up to an inbox full of death threats...

I know for a fact that Selena Gomez’s kidney donor was Justin Bieber’s mom. God, I wish that I had my phone so that I could prove it.

A great question. In a perfect world, Rih - and all other billionaires who magically realize that their status as billionaires is unethical/immoral - would give away any wealth in excess of $1B. (I know there’s no hope of modifying the tax code so drastically that it would incentivize this behavior, but remember I did

Not if she follows the Dolly Parton model. Dolly could be a billionaire, but she gives her money away (according to a FB meme I read). The ability to make a billion dollars doesn’t make you inherently evil. It’s the holding on to it.

I really don’t understand how people can continue to be Cardi fans. Her music is great, she’s talented, and I appreciate her being vocal about what she believes in, but she honestly sounds like a trash person based on her actions.

I’m with you. I also want to call Cardi and others like her for her “we go to work, we get tested” comment. What is that work? Healthcare worker (my ER nurse sister doesn’t get tested by her hospital)? Superstore clerk? Bank teller or construction worker or delivery driver?? No, it’s writing / performing music. And I

That is what I was thinking.  I just read an article, which I am trying to find that was complaining about a similar things about how nurses and staff in hospitals and LTC facilities can’t get tested, but sports teams are testing constantly.  #priorities

Meanwhile, I know people who actually had symptoms and had to wait 5+ days to get a single test, then 3-5 days for results, and their jobs also expected them to keep working until they had an actual positive result.

It was a CHOICE to publicly state the number of people you had over for the holiday. Like what the fuck. Be vague and say “Loved being surrounded by my family this Thanksgiving” at the bare fucking minimum.

The “it felt so good and uplifted me” part literally made me (an immune compromised frontline provider who hasn’t eaten out, seen family/friends, or left the house to do anything other than drive to the hospital since March) yell, “FUCK YOU!” at my laptop screen.

I agree with you. Don’t waste resources for a fucking party, don’t waste our bandwidth with ‘It’s okay because we tested’ bullshit, don’t pretend after the fact that you give a flying fuck about people who are in need and are having their worlds torn apart this year.

I’m right there with you. Celebrities and athletes somehow have easy access to as many tests as they want, yet the masses still have difficulty getting one. I suspect the situation will be the same with a vaccine. 

I’m trying to understand the level of self-centeredness it takes that CardiB believes she should be tested four times per week (and everyone around her!), just so she doesn’t have to change her lifestyle one iota.

No, you’re right. They can’t even keep it quiet. The lack of self-awareness is staggering. Also, getting tested 4 times a week?! Most people in this country can’t even get tested at all without waiting in line for hours or getting special permission from their doctor. Not to mention the lag time rendering the positive/

Please not Drake. Anyone but Drake. He is the absolute worst.

Cardi continued, “Sorry wasn’t trying to make nobody feel bad...except the guests who get COVID, they’ll probably feel bad. And the people who have to read and/or hear my racial and transphobic slurs. They probably don’t like that, either. Or the people who are assaulted at my behest.”

Ridiculous. My mom is an oncologist and her hospital doesn’t have enough tests to test “asymptomatic” employees who have been exposed to COVID while working. How on earth is what Cardi and her people do more essential than fighting cancer? Why are we wasting tests on them when they can just STAY HOME??

These people think they’re the exception. Everybody thinks they’re the exception and all the other people can bite dust when it comes to COVID19. This is one of the main reasons why we’re in this much of a shit now.

Michael B. Jordan’s a better choice, Obama. Dude hasn’t been creeping on teenagers.