
What happened to Laverne Cox is EXACTLY why I get so nervous when I’m out right now, especially when it comes to people that might lean conservative. Hell, I have a date tonight with someone I met online and my partner(I’m in a polyamorous relationship with two other women) is making contingencies just in case things

People are trash.

I came here expecting Dodger content just based on the headline. Wherever Evans spent Thanksgiving I’m sure Dodger was there. He seems almost as emotionally dependent on his dog as I am on mine.

Team cat, here! My cat adorably conked out on the couch while we cooked - I told my Eastern European boyfriend she was taking the role of male family member, dozing on the couch, while we slaved in the kitchen. Sadly, she hates all people food EXCEPT fat free Greek yogurt, and tuna (of course) so we gave her little

There’s one thing that really bugs me:

I also wish more women discussed infertility. I have found it’s rare to meet a woman who has not dealt with either an unwanted pregnancy, a miscarriage, or infertility. Maybe that’s because most of my friends are women over the age of 40, but I have gotten a lot of solace realizing - in these taboo subjects - I was

Amen to that. I have one son, and people used to always ask why we didn’t have more. I finally had enough, so I started responding “because my husband got diagnosed with colon cancer when I was six months pregnant and the chemo destroyed his ability to make sperm.” I get a morbid thrill from shutting people up this

As a serious knitter I keep making Chris Evans knock-offs for my husband and I am pretty sure he’s getting wise to what is going on. He gave me such a look when he finally saw Knives Out.

I am sorry for you loss, it’s a club no one wants to be in and so many of us are. 

Pro tip: please don’t ask women why they don’t have kids, why they didn’t have more, or if they want more children. I experienced pregnancy loss and only told my immediate family. Since we have a young son, everyone feels entitled to ask me these questions. Since my miscarriage, I fumble through a vague deflection and

Chris Evans is hot, especially in his now contract obligated sweaters.

1. I gasped out loud when I read Meghan’s reference to her miscarriage and got teary-eyed at her account of Harry’s heart breaking as he tried to comfort her. This was a fantastic op-ed; the anecdote about seeing a woman crying on the street in NYC and being told that this is how New Yorkers live - out in the open -

Ben Affleck reminds me of the kids I went to high school with who bought into that “one terrible mistake will ruin your life forever and making straight As is the only thing you should be doing right now“ and never enjoyed life until they realized that advice was bullshit and started acting like teenagers when they

No. I don’t think this is her first attempt at sobriety, but these early accomplishments mean a lot. It’s a little like losing your first five pounds (or whatever) on a new diet/exercise regimen, which generates excitement and helps maintain momentum.

It’s odd, isn’t it? I think I read a few years ago that she called Maddie, who was 15 at the time, her best friend. That sent all kinds of red flags up for me.

Yes well it’s more of a neurotype than a disease, human brains are complex!
We’re still trying to unlearn a lot of bad and biased science that’s been informed by a “deficit model” that assumes any difference from an assumed neurotypical norm is a deficit or problem.

The trailer just looks like it’s a really bad movie.

So is it better to just say autistic or neurodivergent and then list how it affects them ?

That’s always the answer for some folks, isn’t it? Not the possibility that they didn’t cast a wide enough net, not the possibility that their bias got in the way. No, it must be that those people just aren’t good enough.

Possibly. I’m not sure what the answer is, but...