
I’m sad to hear that. My dad was recently diagnosed, and we found out this week that it was caught early and still stage 1. It’s mild enough that he probably won’t even need treatment. I’ve never felt so relieved. When I saw the headlines this morning about Al, I was hoping for the same.

Seriously? Basic reading comprehension would tell you she means that she thinks objective beauty standards don’t exist a.k.a. she agrees that the enforcement of beauty standards is harmful. Everything she said after that bears that out, as does everything else she has done and said before.

No, that is absolutely what she meant. This is Justice willfully misreading her comment to get a chance to lecture a celebrity. 

I’m continually reminded this site is a shadow of a husk of a whisper of a fart of what it used to be and it has now descended into lukewarm garbage. And then I stop reading. Months go by and I start to miss the Jezebel of old and read an article here and there and they’re not bad and even pretty good and then it

Celebrity: I have insecurities in an industry that is always picking apart what I say, do, or look like, and so I can connect with and respect how so many others suffer too. It’s alienating.

You’re upset that somebody who was brigaded for 2 years straight for a single comment about representation in film criticism decided to word a statement more carefully in the future?

Pretty sure she means that she personally doesn't believe that a beauty standard should exist as it's a harmful thing, but her wording is awkward. It's kind of obvious from the context, so you have to be willfully looking for a bad message to just focus on that one phrase.

i interpreted it the same way. she’s not stupid, and she talks about her own insecurity, so it doesn’t make sense that she would deny the existence of appearance expectations placed on women (and choosing to read it that way... is a choice). the wording could be better, but it sounds like she’s just saying that

No, I interpret her comments the same way. She’s saying that there is no objective standard for beauty. If anything, she’s agreeing that the beauty brands and fashion magazines are doing a disservice by not representing outside a narrow view. I don’t know how the question was really phrased but, even in this article,

I took it to mean that Brie Larson doesn’t personally believe in a beauty standard, not that a beauty standard doesn’t exist. Am I being too generous?

The second bitter screed of the day, attacking a white woman who is by every possible measure, the type of ally that Jezebel demands to have.

Waiting for the update to this article where it is pointed out that the corn rows almost certainly purely a utilitarian costuming choice because it makes it easier to wear a wig--and that that is in fact what’s going on here.

They didn’t just freeze rent... they forgave it. In the letter to their tenants they emphasized their belief of “people over profits”.

Not to mention that these are paparazzi pics. Of her on her property and in her car. I know cultural appropriation is a thing, but I’m not willing to get outraged about how people conduct themselves at home with regards to hair styles, especially when they are not necessarily aware they are being photographed.

The sad thing is, it wasn’t hard to research.  A quick Google search reveals how unnecessary this whole article is.  It’s just mean for no reason.

“Or, you know, maybe she’s wearing her hair in this particular fashion for a role that has yet to be announced.”

It’s still entirely unclear what you’re trying to get across here. You might just be bad a sarcasm.

This whole article is cringey, mean spirited and poorly informed. You don’t need to “hope” that they froze rent. You can read the article written by one of your colleagues which explicitly says they did.

I’m not one to spew hate...”

She is acting in a role where she has to wear a wig (see her Instagram post from 10/28/2020).  The wig needs to fit to her head tightly and braiding your hair close to your head is one of the best ways to do that.