
Since she’s never even come close to publicly endorsing Kanye, and she recently liked some posts about Biden/Harris, I think there’s a good chance she voted for Biden.

Kanye writes himself in:

“I told the nice old lady poll worker that I was gonna put them on my tits. She said I’m lucky the glue isn’t as strong as they used to be.”

Giving the waiter the benefit of a doubt, his mask could have shifted and he's carrying a cake so he can't readjust. He's not the person I'm bothered by here.

As I was leaving Petsmart yesterday, an old woman walked in. She must’ve been 85 years old. No mask.

Same! I also have a weird, visceral response to people whose masks slip below their nose. It truly grosses me out, like I get nauseated.

How about we not worry about the fucking Roe v Wade assholes and allow Chrissy to name him and call him her baby.

Gee, if the Royals easily covered up William’s covid19 status, makes you wonder what else they’ve been hiding!

I had to tell a women SIX times today at work to put her mask over her nose. Then she stormed off and told me to say “please” next time. Like, no, I don’t have to ask you nicely (even though I did). Before you are allowed into our establishment you have to agree to the rules. You don’t like it, GTFO. Thanks for coming

Why is Lil Wayne doing this shit? When’s the last time anyone said much of anything about Lil Wayne? Now people are talking about him. So, y’know... there ya go.

I’m at a point where I’m wondering what the fuck is wrong with men? The people I still know who are trump supporters at this point are men, women who drink all the patriarchy koolaid and vote as the men in their lives tell them to, and absolute nutters.

Read a post on Reddit last night from a waitress in Brooklyn talking about Paul Rudd coming into her restaurant yesterday afternoon. She said he was genuinely nice and friendly and after lunch he took a cute socially distanced pic with her and left a $100 dollar tip on a $100 check. 

To be fair, Witherspoon didn’t say anything about running for president specifically. There’s no reason she wouldn’t do local politics at 65.

dude, Mark Ruffalo is a delight but he is also a fucking 9/11 truther. Jodi is best pals with fucking Mel Gibson. 

Yeah this was an uncharacteristically mean and uninformed take for any Jez writer who isn’t Joan. 

Unlike Trump, Reese Witherspoon actually does run several successful businesses...

I always think back to that too. But, we are not the worst thing we ever did, thank god. 

Did you even listen to the podcast? She said so much more that would have made her sound much less silly and flippant than your quotes. Plus, instead of boiling her down to “famous person” perhaps you could list her other accomplishments, which are actually relatively impressive. And I don’t even particularly care for

If Brad Pitt wants to indulge in casual relationships and make excellent movies via Plan B Productions the rest of his life, I  support those life choices.

Please, 2020, I beg you: let a London Yacht Club kick out Prince Andrew. Give me one small treat this year.