
Ask your dog who is a genius.

Being a stoner

if I remember correctly (and I may not be, considering this timeline is so confusing and hectic) jameela came out as bi after the whole “why is a cis woman on a ballroom show” controversy 

The other day i accidentally sent a podcast link to half of my Instagram contacts.  I don’t even know how it happened. This story sent a chill down my spine lol. 

Are sequels really sequels if each film has zero cast or even characters in common?

....for promoting her new album by singing one of its singles at an award show?  

Chris Evans has been really open about his struggles with anxiety and I just honestly felt bad for him. It was a fuck-up anyone could have made, and I found it genuinely sweet that so many people started flooding Twitter with pictures of him and his dog to drown out the earlier tweets.

The god of the 13.7 billion year old, 93 billion light year wide universe, gives zero damns that a man grabs his loving wife’s boob.

if the evangelicals think this is bad, wait til they find out their Chosen One slept with a porn star while his wife was recuperating from childbirth (and then paid her off), or that one of their “leaders” was a cuck who liked watching his wife get railed by the pool boy. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.

“For all of the Christians that are questioning my post with my husband’s hand on my boob

One more time, since you’re pretending you don’t understand:

It’s nice to see the tide is turning but at the same time they got what they wanted out of the situation. It’s easier to apologize after the fact and just do what you want.

Sorry but it’s on their wikipedia pages and everytime they do a new film the accuacations have come up. In the case of Dylan she wrote an open letter about this in 2014 asking famous people why they were still working with Woody Allen. It was big news at the time.

I’m glad that she’s gone on the record with this, but I hope she’s also taking action elsewhere (donations to orgs that support victims of abuse, using her clout to push for change on her projects going forward, etc.). She may already be doing so, but I’d like to see more celebrities who realized they fucked up do

And on every article I read there’s no mention of him and his wife, who was practically his stepdaughter. 

That’s not necessarily true. The thing is that these famous women all try to turn around and pose at Times Up event and earn money through talking about women’s empowerment after actively defending rapists. Famous men in Hollywood don’t usually do that, which is why it doesn’t get the “Wait a minute, isn’t this really

Stop referring to Dylan Farrow as his adoptive daughter, or any person’s adopted child as their adopted child. It is their child. Just because they are not related by blood does not make them any less related. Adoption is not exotic or make someone an “other”. Adoption makes that child yours in every way and that

I don’t buy it. She even defended Roman Polanski too. She’s responsible for her actions, too. I don’t understand how someone would be fucked up enough to think that that’s chill, because Polanski admitted to the crime and fled, and now she’s all, “I changed my mind”? Fuck that.


Does anyone remember this show from Peak Disney Channel? It posits that in the future, humans will have lost our pinky toes because Evolution. That’s it. That’s my comment.